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Search Engine Visibility

Promote your business on Google®, Yahoo!®, and Bing® to increase traffic, phone calls and emails.

  • Need Help? Call 24/7. (480) 463-8835

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  • Standard
  • Premium
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  • FAQs

Make your business easy-to-find on Google®, Yahoo!®, Bing® & more!

Today, most people use the Internet when shopping for products and services – make sure those customers can easily find you. Use Search Engine Visibility to increase your search rankings, and get guaranteed exposure FAST with pay-per-click advertising.

  • Bring more traffic to your website with Search Engine Optimization.
  • Increase sales and generate customer leads.
  • No technical skills needed.
Plus with our Premium Plan:
  • Get your business seen prominently on Google, Yahoo!, and Bing!
  • Promote your business with pay-per-click ads – we do the work, you get the phone calls & emails.
  • You decide how much to spend on pay-per-click ads each month. How much should I spend?
  • Get listed FAST – in as little as 24 hours!
  • Improve customer service with a dedicated phone number and recorded calls.
$2.99 /month
Quick Tour
  • Improve search engine rankings with keyword and suggested topics tool
  • Increase traffic to your website with higher rankings
  • Easy, one-click website submission to Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and AOL®
  • Track progress with Top 10 SEO Checklist and ranking reports
$5.99 /month
Quick Tour
  • Advertise prominently on Google, Yahoo! and Bing.
  • Increase phone calls, emails & visits
  • Have a custom ad and Web page created and managed by our pros
  • Includes a dedicated phone number with call recording^
  • Local or General advertising for US and Canada only
  • Click here to calculate an ad budget that's right for you
Set your monthly ad budget now.1


Two levels of visibility, one trusted source.

Looking to move your listing closer to the top of search engine results? Check out our Standard Plan. For immediate results, choose our Premium Plan and get your ad up on Google®, Yahoo!®, and Bing® right away.

Standard Plan Premium Plan
PRICE $2.99/mo $5.99/mo
Easy submission to 100+ search engines
Number of websites 1 1
NEW! Google Keyword Generator
NEW! Attract International shoppers
Suggested Topics Tool
Search engine site map creator
Easy optimization with Page Score
One-click submission to Google, Yahoo!, and Bing
Search engine ranking reports
Pay-per-click ad campaign managed by experts – –
Custom ad we write, place, and manage (1 per business category) – – 3
Custom online business page we design – –
Dedicated phone number with tracking and monitoring – –
Phone, email, and visit tracking – –
Campaign performance dashboard – –
Business categories – – 3
Local or general advertising options – –

Get top rankings on Google®, Yahoo!®, Bing®, and more.

What good is a terrific website if customers can't find it? Standard Search Engine Visibility solves this problem by helping you add the right keywords and text to your site, then submits your site to Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and over 100 other popular search engines and directories. Use our expert suggestions to continuously move your business listing closer to the top of search results.


One-click submission to Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and AOL

  • Get your site indexed quicker by submitting it directly to top search engines.
  • Easily submit your Web page(s) to 100+ leading search engines.
  • Choose global or regional submission, depending on your service area.

Analyze your site

  • Find out how "search engine-friendly" your website is.
  • Learn what search terms are most often used by people looking for your type of business.
  • Quickly create a site map so search engines can effectively index, find, and present your pages to shoppers.

Add targeted text that attracts the right people

  • Use our Suggested Topics Tool to decide what kind of articles you should include on your website based on frequently searched terms for your business.
  • Our Keyword Generator suggests keywords and phrases that will attract the shoppers who are most likely to buy.
  • Get the top search terms used by people searching around the globe in 40 languages.
  • Quickly insert these highly effective keywords into the meta tags and content text for each page.

Track your progress

  • Follow search rankings for you and your competitors.
  • Expert recommendations help you continuously improve your ranking.
  • Reports include Top 10 SEO Checklist, Submissions, Search Engine Listing Status, Inbound Links, Page Rank, Keyword Ranking, Competitors, and Traffic.

Choose your plan

  • Standard $2.99/mo
    • Improve search engine rankings with keyword and suggested topics tool
    • Increase traffic to your website with higher rankings
    • Easy, one-click website submission to Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and AOL®
    • Track progress with Top 10 SEO Checklist and ranking reports
    Learn more
  • Premium $5.99/mo
    • Advertise prominently on Google, Yahoo! and Bing.
    • Increase phone calls, emails & visits
    • Have a custom ad and Web page created and managed by our pros
    • Includes a dedicated phone number with call recording
    • Choose local or general campaigns
    Learn more
View and compare all plans

Grow your business with quality leads – quickly!

With Premium Search Engine Visibility, your business is prominently advertised on Google®, Yahoo!®, and Bing® – right away. You set the monthly budget, choose a Local or General ad option, and we do the rest! Your custom ad will appear in the most visible spot – along the top or side of the first page of search listings for your keywords.


Quick & easy setup gets your ad online in as little as one day

  • We walk you step-by-step through the quick setup process, gathering details about your business.
  • We'll include your business logo, hours of service, location(s), and any photos you provide.
  • Your business ad will be prominently displayed on Google, Yahoo!, and Bing in as little as one day.

The more you spend, the more your ad is seen

  • You set the monthly ad budget on your campaign ($40.00/month minimum).
  • With the "Bill Me Monthly" option, you can "pause" your ad campaign for the next month by simply changing your ad spend to $0.00.
  • The bigger your ad budget, the more often your ad will be seen and the more visits, phone calls, and emails you'll receive.
  • You can choose to be billed for your ad budget each month, or select a monthly advertising budget now, and pre-pay for the year.

Our pros manage everything – no experience needed

  • It's not easy to create an online marketing campaign that works. Ad text, landing pages, calls-to-action, geo-targeting, keyword management, day-parting, and other elements require set up, testing, and optimization.
  • With our Premium Plan, you don't need any expertise. You don't even need a website – we do it all for you.
  • Our advertising experts create a custom online ad, then promote your ad on Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.
  • Our pay-per-click ad campaigns are designed to get qualified customers to call or email your business.
  • Our pros create custom ads and a one-page website that are all specifically designed to generate visits, phone calls, and email requests.

Return on Investment (ROI) dashboard

  • One of the best things about online advertising is seeing proof that it's working.
  • Our online dashboard gives you up-to-the-minute data on the visitors, calls, and emails received so you can track the return on your advertising investment.

Phone and email tracking

  • Log in to our easy online dashboard to track the number of visits to your Web page and review the calls and emails you've received, including the date and time they were received.
  • Premium Search Engine Visibility comes with its own unique call-tracking phone number. Every incoming call is recorded – review them to improve customer service and increase sales.

Choose your plan

  • Standard $2.99/mo
    • Improve search engine rankings with keyword and suggested topics tool
    • Increase traffic to your website with higher rankings
    • Easy, one-click website submission to Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and AOL®
    • Track progress with Top 10 SEO Checklist and ranking reports
    Learn more
  • Premium $5.99/mo
    • Advertise prominently on Google, Yahoo! and Bing.
    • Increase phone calls, emails & visits
    • Includes a dedicated phone number with call recording
    • Choose local or general campaigns
    Learn more
View and compare all plans

Save a bundle or spend a bundle. The choice is yours.

Premium Search Engine Visibility makes pay-per-click advertising easy and affordable. In fact, when you put our experts to work for you, you can get a lot of value without spending an arm and a leg. Let's just say we've got online advertising down to a science.

Search Engine Visibility
(AT&T;® Advertising Solutions)
Setup/annual fee $71.88 $150.00 – – $250.00
Minimum ad budget $40.00/mo (1 mo min) $500.00/mo (3 mo min) $200.00/mo (12 mo min) $500.00/mo (3 mo min)
Total start-up cost $111.88 $1,650.00 $2,400.00 $1,750.00
National advertising
– –
Local advertising
Google pay-per-click advertising
Yahoo! pay-per-click advertising
Bing pay-per-click advertising
Dedicated phone number
Call recording
Email tracking
Performance reporting
Custom Web page
– –
Free SEO tool for your website
– – – – – –
Information correct as of 6 August 2012

What is Search Engine Visibility?

Search Engine Visibility is our suite of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and online advertising tools to help you improve your site’s search engine ranking, drive traffic to your site, and get your business found easily from all the major search engines, including Bing®, Google®, Yahoo!® and many more.

You don’t need to be an expert to get started using Search Engine Visibility SEO services. If you can point, click and type, you can get great results. In fact, even the most discerning search engine gurus appreciate the easy-to-use SEO tools for generating keywords and identifying the top 10 SEO website issues. If you’re looking to advertise on Google, Yahoo and Bing, all you have to do is provide some information about your business and set your monthly ad budget. Our expert online advertising team will handle the rest.

For more information, visit our Search Engine Visibility product support page.

What is SEO, and why is it important?

If you want people to find your site, you need to get it listed with search engines. SEO is the process of making your website more “friendly” for search engines, which helps them categorize it and display it in relevant search results. Optimizing your site can improve its organic search result ranking, making your business easier to find when potential customers search for products and services related to your business.

For more information, see What is Search Engine Optimization and why should I care about it?

What’s the difference between SEO and PPC?

SEO relates to your site’s “organic,” rank, which is essentially where your site is listed in the search engine’s unpaid search results. PPC (pay-per-click) ads cost money, but they get your site listed quickly in eye-catching spots, such as at the top or along the side of a Web page.

Wondering where to focus your efforts? Because both options are equally important for marketing your website, Premium Search Engine Visibility helps you manage both your organic and paid search marketing campaigns in one simple SEO tool.

Why should I choose Go Daddy for my SEO services?

We know there are plenty of SEO tools and online advertising companies out there, but as the world’s number one domain registrar, we know the Web inside and out. We’re passionate about this stuff, so we designed our SEO services to be as powerful as they are easy to use and cost effective. Got questions? Our award-winning, 24/7 support team is just a phone call away.

So how does it work?

Search Engine Visibility works however you need it to. Our SEO tools analyze your website and help you identify search terms and keywords that can increase traffic on your website. Once you’ve placed the search terms and keywords in your website’s content, use our one-click site submission tool to submit your site to the world’s top search engines. For more detail, you can analyze and optimize your site with a wide variety of SEO tools, from our keyword generator to our site map creator.

For more information, see What does Search Engine Visibility do?

Can I track my site’s search engine ranking progress?

Absolutely! You can follow the search engine ranking for your site, as well as those of your competitors using our detailed ranking reports. Plus, you can access several search engine reports including submissions, status, keyword ranking, and website traffic. You can get all of this and more with Search Engine Visibility SEO services.

For more information, visit our Search Engine Visibility Reports support page.

Can I focus on my local area?

Search Engine Visibility Premium is designed to do just that! Search Engine Visibility’s Online Advertising feature is the ultimate search marketing solution for local businesses. Simply choose your monthly ad budget and we’ll do the rest. Our pros will create and manage a custom ad and Web page for your business, including a dedicated phone number with call recording.

How do I track and see if my ads are working?

Tracking the clicks, calls and emails generated by your ad is easy in your Online Advertising dashboard. You can drill down to see emails, and when you use our unique call-tracking phone number on your ad, every call to that number is recorded for your reference. Refer to the calls to help jog your memory, check quality, or use the recording to provide call-handling training to your employees.

Do you want to see more clicks and leads? You have full control over your ad budget and you can adjust it at any time.

For more information, see How do I know Search Engine Visibility Online Advertising is working?

All Plans Include

  • Complete Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for one website
  • One-click submission to Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and AOL
  • Easy submission to over 100 search engines and directories
  • Google Keyword Generator
  • Suggested Topics Tool
  • Top 10 Search Engine Optimization Checklist
  • Keyword usage, Robots.txt file and Robots Meta tag analyzer
  • Powerful reports that show you how to move your website up in search results
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