Architectural Principles

In my earlier post on The Launch of Enterprise Architecture, I describe the conditions within the business that led to the creation of my team. At that time, we were exploring the role, responsibilities, and methods of Enterprise Architecture at Go Daddy – and over the course of these last nine months, we’ve learned a …

Project Ownership: How Well is it Working?

The results are in following my first Inside Go Daddy blog post on Project Owners! Project Ownership is a role we’ve coined at Go Daddy, consolidating the Project Manager and Business Analyst roles. The role spawned from my previous work experience, the Scrum Master role, and I found myself always striving to do more with …

Customizing P3 Profiler’s Auto Scan

Our P3 Plugin has an automatic scan mode that picks pages at random from your site to scan for performance. The pages aren’t really random, though. P3 actually picks: Home page Four random tags Four random categories Four latest posts Admin dashboard Admin posts page Admin plugins page Some of the pages are shuffled to …

Brute Force Trends

Some security professionals think brute forcing is a dead art. Gone are the days when everybody was using THC Hydra or John the Ripper or other custom tools that they wrote themselves. On today’s Internet, when it is much easier to just take advantage of one of the flaws in certain plug-ins to gain control …

The Roles of Mobile for Small Business

For anyone to understand how mobile can help or hinder a small business, they need to first understand the mobile user. The mobile user is a fickle fanatic, fueled by inspiration, who is battling real world stimuli to attempt to accomplish their goals. These users are in a bar, in a line, on a train …

Functional Managers in an Agile Environment

I’m a firm believer in functionally aligned organizations to support professional and technical growth. For example, it is essential that our quality assurance analysts report to a manager who can support their career path. But I’m also an advocate of having QA resources matrixed into the development teams they support. Studies have shown that if …

The Impact of Plugin Performance

In a Study of Go Daddy WordPress sites, we found: There are no caching plugins in the top 10 list. What does this mean for developers? Page caching isn’t as common as you might like. You can’t count on a page cache to speed up your code. Make sure you’re writing fast code and learning …

Website Experimentation Made Fast and Easy

With the recent surge in popularity of the Lean Startup philosophy developed by Eric Ries, many people have become familiar with terms such as MVP (minimum viable product, the least-effort deliverable that can be used to validate assumptions with real customers). Split or A/B testing is another Lean Startup concept and one that we’ve been …

Mobile Web Design Checklist

Despite most websites having neglected mobile support, mobile is not only the platform of tomorrow, but it is also the platform of today. With well over 10% of the worlds web traffic going to mobile devices, it’s time to give your mobile audience some much needed attention. While the term “mobile friendly” may be subjective, …

Go Daddy Employees have a BLAST!

At Go Daddy, every individual does whatever it takes to make things happen on a day-to-day basis to keep our customers happy. We help our customers grow their small businesses and their online web presence, either by working directly with them or by continuously improving our products and services. To celebrate and reward our hard …

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