The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control

TortoiseSVN Logo

TortoiseSVN is an easy-to-use SCM / source control software for Microsoft Windows and possibly the best standalone Subversion client there is. It is implemented as a Windows shell extension, which makes it integrate seamlessly into the Windows explorer. Since it's not an integration for a specific IDE you can use it with whatever development tools you like.

It's not only web and software developers who can benefit. Another advantage of this shell integration is that it can be used by people who don't have all the development tools installed, for example translators, doc writers, ...

Do you have a suggestion or an idea to help improve SVN? Join our community and let us know!"

grepWin 1.3.7

A new version of grepWin is out: version 1.3.7

A few bugs were fixed and a few new features implemented. You can see the details of every change in the issue tracker.

Doc translators needed!!!

We need people that help to finish translating the documentation of TortoiseSVN into the following languages:

Croatian (67% complete, only TortoiseMerge)
French (83% complete)
Portuguese (Portugal, 10% complete)
Slovak (30% complete)
Slovenian (85% complete)

Just send an e-mail to and introduce yourself. We'll help to get you started.

Check the Doc translation status at our DOC translation status page.

TortoiseSVN 1.6.6 released.

TortoiseSVN 1.6.6 has been released.

This is a bugfix release/maintenance release.

We recommend that you update your TortoiseSVN client to this latest version. You can get it from our download page.

StExBar 1.7.2

A new version of the StExBar has been released. Here's the change list.

Download it from the homepage.

Translators needed for TortoiseSVN 1.6.6

Hi Folks,

I'm sure, you all enjoy working with TortoiseSVN in your native language. You're welcome to add a translation to TortoiseSVN. But there are also some languages which haven't been updated for half a year, so we need new translators that help us there. These languages are:
Greek (40% complete). We now have a new Greek translation team. You're free to join Basilios, John and Stavros)
Hungarian (90% complete)
Macedonian (Now 100% complete) Thanks to Srdjan Stokic
Turkish (Now 100% complete) Thanks to Vural Goze for picking up the Turkish translation.

Just send an e-mail to and introduce yourself. We'll help to get you started.

Check the GUI translation status at our GUI translation status page.

CommitMonitor 1.6.5

A new version of the CommitMonitor is available.

If you're interested on what's new and/or what has been changed/fixed, have a look at our issue tracker.

You can download the new version from here.


Gurtle is an IBugTraqProvider plugin for TortoiseSVN, dealing with the issue tracker of Google Project Hosting (also sometimes referred to as Google Code).

Gurtle just released a new version 0.4, and this time it comes with a nice installer so you don't have to build it yourself anymore.

In case you don't know whether you need this tool, ask yourself two questions:

  • Are you using TortoiseSVN?
  • Are you hosting one or more projects on Google Project Hosting?
    • If you answered both questions with yes, then you need Gurtle! And according to some unofficial statistics, quite a few of you will.

      Once you've installed Gurtle, the TortoiseSVN commit dialog will show you a button at the top right from where you can start Gurtle. A new dialog shows you then all open issues of your project from where you can select the issue your commit is referring to. This makes it much easier to write commit messages.

      For help on how to configure your projects with Gurtle, please refer to the wiki page which explains this.

Two new tools available

There are two new tools available from our tools page: trafficWatcher and MailNoter.

Maybe you find those useful.

Tip: shift-Diff

TortoiseSVN allows you to specify your own tool for showing diffs and/or merges. For example, a lot of people prefer WinMerge over TortoiseMerge (even though I can't see why :-) ).

But sometimes you might want to prefer TortoiseMerge over your custom diff tool. Changing the settings would be way too complicated to just use TortoiseMerge once, for this particular situation.

TortoiseSVN allows you to use TortoiseMerge easily, without changing your custom diff tool setup: just hold down the shift-key when you click on the context menu to do the diff. If the shift key is pressed when doing a diff, TortoiseSVN always uses TortoiseMerge. If the shift key is not pressed, the diff/merge tool specified in your settings is used.

Repair moves/renames

Moving and renaming versioned files inside a working copy must always be done with the corresponding Subversion/TortoiseSVN commands. A move/rename without those (e.g., with the Windows Explorer) leads to problems since Subversion doesn't know that you have moved/renamed the files.

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