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DEV - Version ZIP Format

zip, 4,5 MB, 03/11/09, 69 downloads

zip, 4,5 MB, 03/07/09, 41 downloads

zip, 4,5 MB, 02/14/09, 168 downloads

Google Code Feed

Subversion commits to project phpwcms on Google Code

10.03.09: Revision 309: Extend JW FLV Media Player to switch License info in backend and frontend if you

07.03.09: Revision 308: Unified handling of Flash objects using SWFObject 2.1. JW Flash Media Player upd

13.02.09: Revision 307: Fix for empty dates. BBcode URL enhanced: create links very fast using [http://w

05.02.09: Revision 306: Spaw FCKeditor 2.6.4. Small fix for module "ads".

01.02.09: Revision 305: Add warning (comment) to template language file: never close the language file u