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Mestrado Europeu em Reologia Aplicada à Engenharia

The objective of EURHEO - European Masters in Engineering Rheology is to offer an advanced education programme on Rheology and its applications to different Engineering areas. EURHEO combines the expertise of seven leading European Universities in the field of Rheology and the syllabus is designed to provide its graduates with the necessary competences to understand the relevance of Rheology in Materials Science and Engineering and apply the knowledge gained in solving real-world Engineering problems both autonomously and included in multidisciplinary research teams.

The Higher Education Institutions involved are the University of Minho (Portugal), Catholic University Leuven (Belgium), catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), University of Huelva (Spain), University of Calabria (Italy), the Grenoble Institute of Technology – University Joseph Fourier (France) and the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). The awarded degree will be a Double Degree from the institutions involved in each student’s mobility. The admission criteria include a good quality undergraduate degree with a minimum of 180 ECTS credits or equivalent qualifications in relevant areas such as Engineering, Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences.

Professor Coordenador: José António Colaço Gomes Covas

Grau académico que o curso confere: European Masters in Engineering Rheology

Áreas de Especialização: Ciência e Engenharia de Polímeros

Condições de Admissão:
Detentores de Licenciatura em Engenharia, Ciências Exactas e Ciências Naturais, com preferência para formações de Primeiro Ciclo em Engenharia, Física e Matemática ou equivalente legal

Vagas (nº mínimo e máximo): mínimo 8 máximo 25

Prazos de candidatura: ver prazos institucionais

Duração do Curso (em semestres): 4 semestres

Valor das propinas;
3rd country students: 6000¤/academic year
EU students: 2400¤/academic year
Students from industry enrolling in individual courses: 600¤/course unit


As is the norm in Erasmus Mundus Masters, EURHEO will grant Incoming Mobility Scholarships to students originating from third-countries, i.e., outside the European Union. The annual value of these grants is 21000 ¤ (twenty one thousand euros), which cover tuition fees, travel and relocation costs, as well as living expenses. These grants will be awarded for a period of two years per student.

Mobility for European students will fall under the general guidelines of the Erasmus exchange program of the European Union. In addition to this, in the 2009/10 Academic Year EURHEO will grant several Scholarships to EU students, of an amount equal to the Tuition Fees for EU students.

Regime/Horário: Laboral

Local de funcionamento: Universidade do Minho, Campus de Azurém

Campus de Azurém
4800-058 Guimarães
Telef: 253 510 549
Fax: 253 510 339
E-mail: jcovas@dep.uminho.pt 

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