Universidade do Minho  

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Application Procedures 

International students who intend to choose Universidade do Minho as their host institution for 1 semester or 1 year should fill in the Exchange Student Application Form and send it to the International Office of their home institution which is responsible for forwarding it to the GRI of UMinho until the 01st of June (for students applying for the first semester and the whole year) or until the 01st of November (for students applying for the second semester).
Upon arrival, students should contact the GRI and then their local co-ordinators, to establish their study programme.
After that, they should fill in their registration forms at the GRI to formalise enrolment and obtain a student identification card.
Students failing to register will not have access to the University's services, namely the library and the computer rooms.
Required documentation:

·ID Card /Passport
·European Health Insurance Card
·3 Photographs
·Academic transcript of records from the student's home University
·List of courses (Learning Agreement) to be attended at UM



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