• December, 31st 2008, Ljubljana – today we conclude multiannual activities of Slovenian NGOs for cooperation and inclusion in the Slovenian presidency of the EU. Through these activities Slovenian NGOs tried to contribute to better (more open…

  • In the period from 27th July and 16th of October 2008, 40 answers were provided to the anonymous on-line questionnaire on the NGO's involvement during the Slovene EU Council presidency. Questionnaire included 4 questions covering NGOs…

  • Thursday, December 18th, 2008, 4 – 6 pm, Ministry of Public Administration, Langusova 4, Ljubljana. At the end of the series of meetings organized by CNVOS in cooperation with Government Communication Office and Representation of the…

  • Debriefing on environment and energy will take place on Monday, 15th of December, at 14.00 pm, in the City hotel Ljubljana, Dalmatinova 15. The event is organized by CNVOS in collaboration with the Government of Slovenia…

  • The European Citizens’ Consultations 2009 (ECC 2009) bring together citizens from all 27 EU Member States to discuss - with each other and then with policy-makers - key challenges facing the EU. ECC 2009 focuses on…

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Climate change and natural disasters

ponedeljek, 24 november 2008 | Marjeta Benčina

Konferenca bo potekala 27. in 28. novembra v Parizu, kot del francoskega predsedovanja Svetu EU. Ekonomisti bodo...

Gender Equality

50 % more women on EU top positions

torek, 30 september 2008 | Vita Activa

Kampanjo Evropskega ženskega lobija 50/50 "Ni sodobne evropske demokracije brez enakosti spolov" (pdf),...

10th Pillar

ePoll: NGO's involvement during the EU presidency

ponedeljek, 28 julij 2008 | Simon Delakorda

Na portalu Predsedovanje.si http://www.predsedovanje.si/ankete/vkljucevanje-nvo.html je dostopen vprašalnik o vključevanju...

Future of the European Union

EU summit characterized by the Irish rejection

torek, 24 junij 2008 | Sanja Antonijević

Leaders of the 27 countries met on a business dinner, where they discussed a number of topical issues. They spoke about Ireland,...

Future EU Priorities

Ban on the Genetically Modified Corn

sreda, 26 marec 2008 | Primož Verbič

French Supreme court (Conseil D’etat) validated the French government’s decision on banning the...

Intercultural Dialogue

Blogs on migration and intercultural dialogue

ponedeljek, 13 oktober 2008 | Humanitas

"Labyrints of Culture" is the name of the blog project, which the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech...

Development Cooperation

Goals of the French EU presidency policy

sreda, 30 julij 2008 | Sloga

Dokument predstavlja cilje francoskega predsedovanja na glavnih področjih razvojne politike, kot jo je določil Evropski...

EU neighbourhood

The 21th EU-Russia Summit

nedelja, 29 junij 2008 | Goran Forbici

Sibirski Hanti Mansijsk je bil pretekli četrtek in petek prizorišče enaindvajsetega vrha EU-Rusija, ki ga je gostil ruski predsednik...

Intergenerational Cooperation

55+ Exchanges with Hungarians and Romanians

petek, 13 junij 2008 | Andreja Svete

In the framework of project "Think future, volunteer together" four volunteers from Romania arrived to Slovenia last week. 

Youth for EU - EU for Youth

Promoting the participation of youth (18.-21.4)

torek, 11 marec 2008 | Anela Bešo

Presidency Youth Event - "Promoting the participation of young people with fewer opportunities in the society",...

NGOs Assessments of the Slovenian Presidency
Predsedovanje.si at the ePractice.eu
European Citizens' Consultations

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