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Suplemento ao Diploma
Diploma Supplement

The European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES have developed a Diploma Supplement template aiming at improvingthe international transparency and at facilitating the academic and professional recognition of qualifications.

The Diploma Supplement (DS), recommended by the Bologna Declaration, becomes one of the main tools to facilitate the mobility and employability of graduates. The aim of the DS is to provide enough data free from any value-judgements to promote the international transparency and a fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates, etc). The DS was designed to be a flexible non-prescriptive tool providing a thorough description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were successfully completed by the individual named on the original diploma or certificate to which the Supplement is appended.  

The University of Minho, recognizing the importance and added value of this tool in increasing the global competitiveness of its graduates, was the first Portuguese Higher Education Institution to issue the Diploma Supplement (at experimental level in 2001/2002 and in a wide scale since 2002/2003) and to be awarded with the Diploma Supplement Label by the European Commission.

Therefore all University of Minho’s 1st and 2nd cycle graduates receive automatically and free of charge the Diploma Supplement, in Portuguese and in English, together with the corresponding diplomas.

The University of Minho also guaranteed that point 6.1 of the DS – Additional Information integrated a diversified set of academically validated parallel activities, widening the formal/institutional recognition of the graduate’s academic path. Up to 5 activities can be included in this item.

What is it? 
- A supplement attached to the original certificate/diploma issued by the institution; 
- A template developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES; 
- A tool to aid mobility that provides additional information on any qualification and should be delivered both in the original language and in another EU language. In University of Minho’s case, it is issued in Portuguese and in English.
- An accurate and easily readable source of information of individual qualifications.

What is it not?
- It is not a curriculum vitae;
- It is not a substitute for the original qualification or a transcript; 
- It is not an automatic system that guarantees recognition;

What does the Diploma Supplement offer?
- It promotes transparency in higher education; 
- It provides more equitable and fairer recognitions; 
- It facilitates the academic and/or professional recognition; 
- It frames the qualification within the educational context of the country where the diploma is issued; 
- It provides information on the institution where the qualification was gained; 
- It uses an easily understood terminology in order to break any language barriers; 
- It promotes the integration into the labour market, thus increasing the employability of graduates; 
- It contributes to the creation of the European Higher Education Area.

Samples:      1st Cycle (PT; EN)
                        2nd Cycle (PT; EN)

Rector’s Dispatch RT-32/2007


Who certifies

Portuguese version

English version

Member of Universidade do Minho Students' Union Board


Membro da Associação Académica da Universidade do Minho, em 0000.

Member of Universidade do Minho Students' Union Board, in 0000.

Students' Delegate (Course level)

Course Council

Delegado do curso de <nome do curso>, no(s) ano(s) lectivo(s) 0000/0000

Students' delegate of the <name of the course>, in the academic year(s) 0000/0000.

Students' Deputy Delegate (Course level)

Course Council

Sub-Delegado do curso de <nome do curso>, no(s) ano(s) lectivo(s) 0000/0000

Students' deputy delegate of the < name of the course >, in the academic year(s) 0000/0000.

Member of the Students' Association Board

(Course level)

Course Director

Membro do Núcleo de Estudantes de <nome do curso>, no(s) ano(s) lectivo(s) 0000/0000

Member of the Students' Association Board of the < name of the course >, in the academic year(s) 0000/0000

Member of the Academic Traditional Musical Group


Membro da Tuna Académica <"nome do grupo">, de ___ a ___.

Member of the academic traditional musical group <n name of the group>, from ______ to _______.

University Radio Station


Colaborou na Rádio da Universidade do Minho, de _____ a _____

Collaborated with Universidade do Minho Radio Station, from ______ to _______.

Member of the Academic Council

Academic Council

Membro do Conselho Académico da Universidade do Minho, na qualidade de Representante dos Estudantes, no(s) ano(s) lectivo(s) 0000/0000

Member of the Academic Council of Universidade do Minho, as a students' representative, in the academic year(s) 0000/0000

Member of the University Senate


Membro do Senado da Universidade do Minho, na qualidade de Representante dos Estudantes, de ___ a ___.

Member of the Senate of Universidade do Minho, as a students' representative, from ______ to _______.

Member of the University General Assembly

Academic Division

Membro da Assembleia da Universidade do Minho, na qualidade de Representante dos Estudantes, de ___ a ____

Member of the General Assembly of Universidade do Minho, as a students' representative, from ______ to _______.

Member of the School/Institute General Assembly

School/Institute President

Membro da Assembleia de Representantes da(o) <nome da Escola/Instituto> da Universidade do Minho, de ___ a ___.

Member of the General Assembly of the <name of the School/Institute > of Universidade do Minho, from ______ to _______.

Academic Mobility in the scope of European Programmes and/or Bilateral Cooperation Agreements


No ano lectivo 0000/0000, o (a) estudante frequentou o <Período/Ano> na/no <Universidade>, <País>, ao abrigo do <Programa/Acordo de Cooperação>.

In the academic year 0000/0000, the student performed the <Period/Year> at <University>, <Country>, under the <Programme/Bilateral Agreement>.

Placements abroad


De Data a Data, o (a) estudante efectuou o estágio curricular obrigatório, no âmbito do Programa Leonardo da Vinci, na empresa <"Nome">, <País>.

From Date to Date, the student carried out his/her compulsory training period under the Leonardo da Vinci Programme at the enterprise <"Name">, located in <Country>.

Participation in ERASMUS Intensive Programmes


No ano lectivo 0000/0000, o (a) estudante participou no Programa Intensivo SOCRATES/ERASMUS intitulado <"Nome">, que decorreu na <Universidade>, <em País>, de Data a Data.

In the academic year 0000/0000, the student participated in the SOCRATES/ERASMUS Intensive Programme entitled <"Name">, which took place at <University>, <Country>, from Date to Date.


(buddy system)


No ano lectivo 0000/0000, o (a) estudante participou no Projecto PADRINHO/MADRINHA "ERASMUS", auxiliando a integração académica, social e cultural de um estudante (s) estrangeiro (s), de nacionalidade ___________.

In the academic year 0000/0000, the student participated in the Project "PADRINHO/MADRINHA ERASMUS", helping a foreign student (s) from <Country>with <his/her/their> academic, social and cultural integration.


Theatre Group

Participou nas actividades do Grupo de Teatro da Universidade do Minho, de ___ a ___.

Participated in the Theatre Group of Universidade do Minho, from ______ to _______.

Academic Choir

CAUM’s Director

Participou no Coro Académico da Universidade do Minho, de ______ a ______

Participated in the Academic Choir of Universidade do Minho, from ______ to _______.

Member of the University’s Recreational and Cultural Association


Membro da Associação Recreativa e Cultural Universitária desde______a______

Member of the Recreational and Cultural Association of Universidade do Minho from_______to_______


Social Services

Atleta desportivo da Universidade do Minho, na modalidade __________, no(s) ano(s) lectivo(s) 0000/0000

Athlete of Universidade do Minho, <"sports modality"> , in the academic year(s) 0000/0000.

University Residence


Social Services

Coordenador de Residência Universitária nos Serviços de Acção Social da Universidade do Minho, no(s) ano(s) lectivo(s) 0000/0000.

Coordinator of the Halls of Residence, in the Social Services of Universidade do Minho, in the academic year(s) 0000/0000.

Organization of Students’ Events

Course Director

Apoiou a organização do < "Nome do Evento ">, realizado na Universidade do Minho, de ______ a _______.

Supported the organization of < "Name of the event">, which took place at Universidade do Minho, from ______ to _______.


  terça-feira, 24.02.2009 |  © 2009 Universidade do Minho