InvestorsManagement Team

Management Team

Corporate Governance | Board of Directors | Management | Committee Composition
SourceForge, Inc.
Management Team
Scott L. Kauffman
President and Chief Executive Officer
Patricia Morris
SourceForge, Inc. Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Jonathan  Sobel
SourceForge, Inc. Group President, Media
Jeff Bates
SourceForge, Inc. Vice President of Platform
Caroline Offutt
SourceForge, Inc. Vice President, General Manager,
Mike Rudolph
SourceForge, Inc. Vice President, Marketing
Jay Seirmarco
SourceForge, Inc. Vice President, Media Operations, Corporate Secretary and General Counsel
Chris Dobbrow
SourceForge, Inc. Vice President, Media Sales
Jeffrey Chalmers
SourceForge, Inc. Vice President, Corporate Controller

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