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 Logfile Library 3.0.0
 by Wolf Software - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 17:58 UTC

About: Logfile is a C library that provides a basic logging function.

Changes: This release features general cleanup and the addition of man pages, a changelog system, etc. This software has also changed ownership, and has been re-released under a new version in order to bring it in line with all other offerings from Wolf Software.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Libraries N/A GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Random Number Library 3.0.0
 by Wolf Software - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 17:58 UTC

About: Random is a C library that provides a selection of random number generation functions.

Changes: This release features general cleanup and the addition of man pages, a changelog system, etc. This software has also changed ownership, and has been re-released under a new version in order to bring it in line with all other offerings from Wolf Software.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Libraries N/A GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Yii 1.0.3
 by Qiang Xue - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 17:58 UTC

About: Yii is a high-performance, component-based PHP framework for developing large-scale Web applications. Yii comes with a full stack of features needed by Web application development. It is written in a strict OOP style and is easy to learn with its detailed tutorials. Its highly reusable components allows one to rapidly build up a Web application that is efficient as well as robust.

Changes: This release includes about thirty feature enhancements and a dozen bugfixes. In particular, it adds support for application modules that serve as highly reusable software units at the coarsest level. It further enhances ActiveRecord by allowing developers to fully control how to join related tables, including lazy join, eager join, aggressive join, and hybrid join. It also implements the script mapping feature, which can be used with the newly-added Google AJAX API support to optimize external script inclusion in Web pages.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Database :: API
Internet :: WWW/HTTP
Software Development :: Libraries :: PHP Classes
Major feature enhancements BSD License (revised) Homepage Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 ldapuseradd 0.9
 by Greg Schenzel - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 17:57 UTC

About: ldapuseradd is a set of utilities that aid in the management and deployment of user accounts with support for plugins to manage requirements. The LDAP user management toolset uses a highly configurable user group profile system to distinguish targeted services. It is like an LDAP-based useradd/mod/del drop-in replacement with modular features. It scales well from small businesses to ISPs, hosting providers, and universities.

Changes: Support for custom runtime variables in the schema templates. Support for numeric or textual group specifiers in both the config file and on the command line. Man pages and other documentation have been created. More efficient logic to compare current and modify secondary group membership. LDAPv3 support. Bugfixes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Database :: Front-Ends
System :: Networking :: LDAP
System :: Systems Administration
Major feature enhancements BSD License (revised) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Secure Portal 3.0.0
 by Wolf Software - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 17:55 UTC

About: Secure Portal is a very simple user portal with built-in administration tools for user management. It is designed to be a skeleton from which you can build a simple managed and secure Web site. It comes with a default admin account which automatically becomes disabled once a real admin account is added.

Changes: This release features general cleanup and the addition of a changelog system, etc. This software has also changed ownership, and has been re-released under a new version in order to bring it in line with all other offerings from Wolf Software.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP N/A GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Open Portal 3.0.0
 by Wolf Software - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 17:55 UTC

About: Open Portal is a very simple user portal with built-in administration tools for user management. It is designed to be a skeleton from which you can build a simple managed and secure Web site. It comes with a default administrative account which automatically becomes disabled once a real administrative account is added. Open Portal is slightly different from secure portal in that you can have some sections of the portal publicly viewable and some password protected.

Changes: This release features general cleanup and the addition of a changelog system, etc. This software has also changed ownership, and has been re-released under a new version in order to bring it in line with all other offerings from Wolf Software.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP N/A GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Change Management 3.0.0
 by Wolf Software - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 17:55 UTC

About: Change Management is a comprehensive change management system, built using the Secure Portal Skeleton. It includes complete audit history for all changes, approvers and change manager roles, and much more.

Changes: This release features general cleanup and the addition of a changelog system, etc. This software has also changed ownership, and has been re-released under a new version in order to bring it in line with all other offerings from Wolf Software.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP N/A GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 QDWizard 2.1
 by Bertrand Florat - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 17:53 UTC

About: QDWizard (Quick and Dirty Java Wizard) is a simple framework to create Swing wizards. It supports complex branching, i18n, errors, and requires only a few minutes to learn and use.

Changes: This release fixes an issue preventing correct previous/next buttons state display. It adds a setHeaderIcon() method that allows it to display an icon at the right upper side of the header. Code cleanup. The deprecated methods Wizard.cancel() and Screen.onLeave() have been removed. Painting issues with some look and feels (like substance) have been fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries
Software Development :: User Interfaces
Minor feature enhancements GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 sysstat 9.0.0
 by S�bastien Godard - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 17:52 UTC

About: The sysstat package contains the sar, sadf, iostat, mpstat, and pidstat commands for Linux. The sar command collects and reports system activity information. The statistics reported by sar concern I/O transfer rates, paging activity, process-related activites, interrupts, network activity, memory and swap space utilization, CPU utilization, kernel activities, and TTY statistics, among others. The sadf command may be used to display data collected by sar in various formats. The iostat command reports CPU statistics and I/O statistics for tty devices and disks. The pidstat command reports statistics for Linux processes. The mpstat command reports global and per-processor statistics.

Changes: Power management statistics have been added to sar. This release no longer truncates the interval of time to 32 bits, as this may cause some problems when displaying average values statistics on machines with hundreds of CPUs. A small bug in sar where it didn't parse arguments properly when some options were entered in a specific order has been fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Monitoring
System :: Systems Administration
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 wview 5.1.0
 by Mark Teel - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 17:52 UTC

About: wview is an application that controls a supported weather station to retrieve archive records and current conditions. Archive records may optionally be stored in a relational database (MySQL or PostgreSQL). At a user-defined interval, wview will use the archive history and current conditions to generate weather images (buckets and graphs) and Web pages based on configurable HTML templates. It supports serial and USB data loggers, as well as connectivity with a terminal server or serial server via TCP sockets.

Changes: This release adds new HTML/Javascript/PHP forms for wview configuration. They are found at $distro/examples/ConfigForms. That entire directory should be copied to your Web server document root. The entry point is /ConfigForms/wview-form.php. There is a new database to store HILOW data, wview-hilow.sdb. Hourly highs and lows are stored along with timestamps for the events, an accumulator, and the number of samples included (average = accumulator/samples).

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 libhw Alpha3
 by Adam Siegel - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 17:51 UTC

About: libhw is a C++ widget set that allows C++ programmers to easily develop Web-based applications.

Changes: Working menus. A working tree widget. Embedded resources.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Libraries
Software Development :: Widget Sets
Minor feature enhancements GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 Ctalk 0.0.94a
 by thx1132 - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 17:50 UTC

About: Ctalk is a compact object oriented language that adds classes, methods, operator overloading, and inheritance to otherwise standard C programs. You can use only a few Ctalk objects and methods in a C program, or you can write programs entirely in Ctalk. The package includes a front end for GCC, a C99 compatible preprocessor, and class and run-time libraries. The package also includes sample programs, a tutorial, and language reference.

Changes: This release adds many API features and methods for Point, Pane, ANSITerminalPane, and other classes, as well as numerous internal improvements and bugfixes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Interpreters
Software Development :: Libraries
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Bluefish 1.3.3 (Development)
 by Olivier Sessink - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 16:18 UTC

About: Bluefish is a programmer's Web development editor written using GTK, designed to save the experienced webmaster some keystrokes. It features a multiple file editor, multiple toolbars, custom menus, image and thumbnail dialogs, open from the Web, CSS dialogs, PHP, HTML, Java, C, and XML support, external program integration (tidy, weblint, make, javac), and lots of wizards.

Changes: This release features major performance improvements and several new features. Both the start-time of bluefish and the performance while running have been improved. New features include visible spacing (which shows tabs, spaces, non-breaking spaces, etc.) and an optional character map plugin based on libgucharmap. Some serious issues in glib-2.16 were discovered when working with remote files, which may impact Bluefish stability.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Text Editors
Text Processing :: Markup
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 papertimer 0.0.1
 by Christoph Sommer - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 16:16 UTC

About: Papertimer displays a simple full-screen countdown timer for session chairs and presentations.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Utilities Initial freshmeat announcement GNU General Public License v2 Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 AgileWiki 12.6.4 (Element Model)
 by Bill la Forge - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 16:15 UTC

About: AgileWiki is a composable platform for advanced Web-based and P2P networks. It allows multiple points of entry, where each node is an information fusion system with controlled access, pluggable applications, and native deductive reasoning.

Changes: Blocks read from the database are no longer marked dirty and rewritten in a new location.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Information Management
Major bugfixes Common Public License Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 RDFParser 2.0.1
 by vrai - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 16:14 UTC

About: RDFParser is a PHP class that loads and parses RDF/RSS files. These are XML files that are used by many Websites to syndicate headlines. The class provides an interface to the loaded file and makes it simple to generate lists/ tables of the source site's headlines.

Changes: The parser now respects the character encoding of RDF/RSS files, specified in the XML declaration line. This allows the RDFParser to correctly load and output Unicode characters.

Focus License URLs
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Whitix 0.2b
 by Matthew Whitworth - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 16:13 UTC

About: Whitix is a modern operating system eventually aimed at the desktop market. It currently runs on x86 processors and features a fully functional desktop and graphical user interface, text editor, shell, Python, Lua C compiler, assembler, and make equivalent. Whitix is available in a live CD format for download.

Changes: This bugfix release includes support for FAT32 in mkfatfs, textinstaller fixes, burn improvements (changes to documentation), updated ports, and fixes for large memory crashes on some PCs.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Operating System Kernels Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Java Classic RPG 2009-02-28
 by skrionius - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 16:09 UTC

About: Java Classic RPG is an RPG framework, engine, and game that uses OpenGL, a challenging AI, huge territories, and classic pen-and-paper turn-based combat. It is in the tradition of games like Wizardry 7 and EOB, but incorporates innovations made possible by modern computing technology. The framework and engine feature a self-containing, playable, algorithmically-generated world, and can be the base for new games.

Changes: New monsters and animals and a new maze area type were added. The audio system was enhanced. Theme and background music were added. A storage unlocking and looting interface and chests with traps and fixed loot were added. The world map has been enhanced. New portraits and voice profile selection for character creation were added. Support for normal or spec mapping for static models was added. The options menu settings was made available. The loading and rendering algorithm and memory allocation were optimized. The use of the texture atlas technique, shadow mapping, and DDS textures were added. Many bugfixes were done. Newer Intel graphics cards are supported now under Linux.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Games/Entertainment :: Role-Playing
Major bugfixes GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 toMOTko 0.11.2 (Zaurus)
 by Frederic Bergeron - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 16:05 UTC

About: toMOTko is a small Zaurus application for learning vocabulary. It's a customizable flashcard program that asks words repetitively to acquire new vocabulary. It is good for learning and memorizing kanji readings/writings and other languages.

Changes: The application was ported to Linux. The application was translated to German. Some strings were translated to Japanese.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License v2 Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 toMOTko 0.11.2 (QT4)
 by Frederic Bergeron - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 16:04 UTC

About: toMOTko is a small Zaurus application for learning vocabulary. It's a customizable flashcard program that asks words repetitively to acquire new vocabulary. It is good for learning and memorizing kanji readings/writings and other languages.

Changes: The application was ported to Linux. The application was translated to German. Some strings were translated to Japanese.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License v2 Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 LinCAN 0.3.4
 by Pavel Pisa - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 16:02 UTC

About: LinCAN is a Linux kernel module that implements a CAN driver capable of working with multiple cards, even with different chips and IO methods. Each communication object can be accessed from multiple applications concurrently. It supports RT-Linux, 2.2, 2.4, and 2.6 with fully implemented select, poll, fasync, O_NONBLOCK, and O_SYNC semantics and multithreaded read/write capabilities. It works with the common Intel i82527, Philips 82c200, and Philips SJA1000 (in standard and PeliCAN mode) CAN controllers. It is part of a set of CAN/CANopen related components developed as part of OCERA framework.

Changes: This release was tested with the Kvaser PCIcan-Q card and some other targets on Linux kernels up to 2.6.28. The GPL license wording was unified and DCE FEE CTU is fully credited for department head requests. The experimental GIT version includes support for converting between USB and CAN. The firmware is included as well.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Embedded Systems
System :: Hardware
N/A GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 feresPost 3.3.1
 by feresPost - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 15:58 UTC

About: feresPost is a library that provides the definition of classes and modules devoted to the development of automated post-processing for Nastran or Samcef finite element results. The library allows easy manipulation of finite element models, groups, and results. Efficient post-processing is possible because the time-consuming operations are written in C/C++. The library is distributed as a COM component as well as a Ruby compiled extension.

Changes: Units for the CLA entities are now managed. THe Nastran CFAST element is now supported.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Scientific/Engineering Major feature enhancements Freeware Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Contentteller 1.0.3
 by Philipp Esselbach - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 15:57 UTC

About: Contentteller is a content management system designed for sites of all sizes and types. It is powerful but simple to use, and search engine friendly out of the box. It has support for multiple Web sites, caching for high traffic Web sites, the ability to import and update everything from RSS feeds, POP3 email accounts, news servers, PAD, CompatDB XML files, a powerful template and style system, integration with 3rd party applications such as vBulletin, UBB.threads, phpBB 3.0, MyBB, SMF, and IP.Board 2.x. It is fully extensible with modules.

Changes: A logout issue in vB3.7/3.8 integration was fixed. Options were added to process selected news and files. The teaser upload in the articles module was fixed. An option to allow non-linked pages was added. The encoding of non-Latin characters was fixed. A problem with attachments in file editing was fixed. The articles image gallery was fixed. A problem with the append page was fixed. A problem with attachments was fixed. The article title is now displayed next to the page title in the article module. vBulletin integration was enhanced for forums with non-Latin characters. A problem with multiple comment pages was fixed. Options were added to generate numeric SEO URLs and more.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 FET 5.9.1
 by Liviu Lalescu - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 15:50 UTC

About: FET (free timetabling tool) automatically schedules the timetable of a school, high school, or university. It aims to have the same functionality as expensive scheduling programs.

Changes: A situation for fixed timetables, which were impossible sometimes, was improved. The HTML timetables were improved. A crash bug which occurred when constraint minimum gaps were used between activities with weight below 100% was fixed. A non-critical bug in the students early constraint was fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 inq1linux 0.2
 by stefanhajnoczi - Sun, Mar 1st 2009 15:35 UTC

About: inq1linux aims to provide Linux software for communicating with and expanding the INQ1 mobile phone. It allows the phone to be connected as a USB modem, previously only possible with the Windows/Mac proprietary drivers.

Changes: Most manual steps are now automated.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Communications Major feature enhancements MIT/X Consortium License Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

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- fm3's fresh features: Data Entry and Presentation (Feb 13th)
- fm3's fresh features: Tagging (Feb 12th)
- fm3's fresh features: Simplified Project Management (Feb 11th)

- Red Hat: Updated imap packages fix a security issue (Feb 22nd)
- SuSE: New MozillaFirefox packages fix remote code execution (Feb 22nd)
- Debian: New websvn packages fix information leak (Feb 15th)

1. MPlayer 100.00%
2. Linux 87.47%
3. cdrtools 80.77%
4. Apache 75.57%
5. gcc 74.98%
6. VLC media player 69.29%
7. PHP 65.37%
8. TightVNC 59.76%
9. Clam AntiVirus 59.52%
10. PostgreSQL 56.31%


- Logfile Library 3.0.0
- Random Number Library 3.0.0
- Yii 1.0.3
- ldapuseradd 0.9
- Secure Portal 3.0.0
- Open Portal 3.0.0
- Change Management 3.0.0
- QDWizard 2.1
- sysstat 9.0.0
- wview 5.1.0
- libhw Alpha3
- Ctalk 0.0.94a
- Bluefish 1.3.3 (Development)
- papertimer 0.0.1
- AgileWiki 12.6.4 (Element Model)
- RDFParser 2.0.1
- Whitix 0.2b
- Java Classic RPG 2009-02-28
- toMOTko 0.11.2 (Zaurus)
- toMOTko 0.11.2 (QT4)
- LinCAN 0.3.4
- feresPost 3.3.1
- Contentteller 1.0.3
- FET 5.9.1
- inq1linux 0.2 «
- Padre 0.27
- M�tamorphose (M�tamorphose 2)
- znc 0.066
- Logtalk 2.35.1
- BalanceNG 2.226
- Critterding 1.0-beta9

- MySQL Global User Variables UDF 1.1
- TVBrowser 2.7.3
- NuttX 0.4.2
- bareFTP 0.2.0
- ferm 2.0.5 (Stable)
- HylaFAX 5.2.9
- ExactImage 0.7.0
- Globulation 2 0.9.4
- hdparm 9.12
- myPmps 0.8.0
- PGP Individual UID Signer 2.0.1
- EPM-win32sfx 0.8
- glc2 2.0
- gnetworktester 0.9
- net.windwards options 0.9
- DarGUI 0.5.0
- ExcepGen 0.9.2
- streamtuner2 1.9.8
- 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons Character Generator 4.3
- pacparser 1.0.7
- libburnia libisofs 0.6.14
- H2 Database Engine 1.1.108
- Floola 4.9
- mkvtoolnix 2.5.2
- JAMWiki 0.7.0
- GNU Zile 2.3.3
- tcpjunk 2.647
- UPnP-Inspector 0.2.0
- CMME 1.21
- STUBS and Franki/Earlgrey Linux 0.8.0-3/0.9.5-3 (tcdev)
- TomOS 0.4
- Omnitux 0.6
- IXThemes 1.2 (ixt007)
- Spartns 1.3.0
- ring3k 0.0.21
- TEA for Linux 23.1.0
- metaf2xml 1.35
- Ahven 1.6
- phpMyAdmin 3.1.3
- Venalsur Booking Centre 2.01
- Tine 2.0 Lara (2009/02) (Stable)
- cego 2.2.5
- Ruby webgen 0.5.7
- gWaei 0.15.0
- Vendetta Online 1.8.60
- CaltrainPy 0.5
- CDlinux 0.9.2
- GNUnet 0.8.0c
- dns.c 0.1
- acolor 1.1.1
- Ikonikos Image Manager 1.6.3
- IXThemes 1.4 (ixt004)
- TrueMusic 20090227
- Collaber
- GNU SIP Witch 0.4.4
- OrangeHRM 2.5-alpha.9
- trading-shim 090227
- Gnumeric 1.9.4 (Development)
- Zenoss Core 2.3.3
- Paludis 0.36.0
- pycrc 0.7
- xfce 4.6.0 (xfce4)
- gloox
- HTML Directory Lister DLSync Plugin 3.1
- jsapigen 0.3
- Back In Time 0.9.12
- TestLink 1.8 RC5

- Knowledge in a Wiki 0.1 prerelease
- Liferea 1.5.11 (Unstable)
- Chess Training Tools 1.3.0
- DirSync Pro 1.02
- GOffice 0.7.3 (Development)
- Event and Task Manager 113
- WiggleMouse 0.2
- Netdeep Cop Firewall RC3
- Text Trix 0.9.2
- atool 0.36.0
- AKFAvatar 0.16.0
- iniparse 0.3.0
- MySQL High Availability clustering beta-0.9.4
- Simple DocBook Processor 0.52
- get_iplayer 1.41
- KAlarm 2.1.5 (KDE 3)
- Talend Open Profiler 1.1.4
- Weblocks 0.8.2
- Siege 2.68b5 (Beta)
- ftwin 0.8.2
- LockRun 0.4.0
- Adbgui 0.2 beta
- wmlenovo 0.1.2
- Gallery 3.0 Alpha 2 (3.0)
- IXThemes 1.2 (ixt005)
- DynaStop 08333.1634-085
- Symbion SSL Proxy 1.1.1
- HTML Directory Lister Main 3.1
- FladsClassifieds 090227
- Mount-gtk 1.0.3
- Osmius 9.01
- FOG 0.26
- Shape Collage 2.1
- Teamwork 4.0 build 8330
- awesome 3.2-rc4 (3.x)
- Kwiki Billing 1.0.0
- BabelZ 1.0.1
- moserial 1.0.0
- check_1-wirehumid 1.0
- BurgerSpace 1.8.3
- Batrachians 0.1.2
- Cosmosmash 1.4.3
- Afternoon Stalker 1.1.2
- pam_mount module 1.19
- NexentaStor 1.1.5
- climm 0.6.4
- Embedthis Ejscript 0.9.6
- Asymptote 1.66
- Parted Magic 3.7
- NolaPro 4.0.4227

- mod_timedout 0.1
- Fina 0.2.3
- S-ButtonZ 1.0.2
- SLiteChat 0.3
- Squirrel Shell 1.2.3
- ziproxy 2.6.9_BETA (Beta)
- Utils Library 3.0.0
- URIsplit 0.3
- The Eagle Project Beta 4
- ff_rename 0.5.0
- mxGraph
- Module::Build 0.32
- Talend Open Studio 3.1.0M1 (Development)
- gipfel 0.2.7
- IXThemes 1.2 (ixt006)
- Scarry On Line 1.5
- phpBB Rivals 1.10.4
- Fanurio 2.0
- bdec 0.5.2
- dhcpcd 4.0.12
- Paludis 0.34.5
- The LibMsgque Project 2.7
- codemetre 0.19.2
- portreserve 0.0.4
- TCPDF 4.5.018 (PHP5)
- OrangeHRM 2.5-alpha.8
- Astaro Command Center 1.950 (Beta)
- Astaro Security Linux 7.395 (Beta)
- IMDBPHP 1.1.2
- LuxPM 0.1.1
- Recover PDF Password
- Ham Radio Control Libraries 1.2.9
- Veusz 1.3
- PeaZip 2.5.1
- queXF 1.8.0
- Vala 0.5.7
- libgee 0.1.5
- MyWords Firefox Extension 0.2.2
- TSM Monitor 0.8.4
- Hyenae 0.27-1
- oXygen XML Editor 10.1 (Standalone)
- stroy 1.0.1
- hamsterdb 1.0.7
- Cherokee 0.99.0
- UNG 20090226.1
- WorldForge::Eris 1.3.14 (Development)
- AgileWiki 12.6.2 (Element Model)
- WorldForge::Mercator 0.2.7
- IXThemes 1.3 (ixt009)
- Apache MailetDocs Maven Plugin 0.1
- Apache Mailet API 2.4
- JSGalBuilder 0.5

BEST OF BREED :: Forum Index

- Hearst To Launch E-Reader For Newspapers
- Sony Makes It Hard To Develop For the PS3 On Purpose
- Japanese "Hate" For the iPhone All a Big Mistake
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- Is Climate Change Affecting Bushfires?

ThinkGeek: What's New
- Gadgets: BatRest Folding iPhone Stand
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- Geek Toys: Retro Duo NES/SNES Game System
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- T-Shirts & Apparel: Medieval Steel Gauntlets
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