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Welcome to UTAD
The University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro was formed in 1986, although its history builds upon valuable heritage drawn from the “old” Polytechnic of Vila Real, which was founded here in 1973.
This Institute assumed a relevant role, contributing to regional development. That’s why, in September 1979, the University Institute of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro was created and, less than 10 years after that, in recognition of its intense activity in the dominion of teaching, scientific and technological research, the Government transformed the University Institute into a University. Nowadays, UTAD is considered an important reference point in the Portuguese University System.
According to its Statutes, this University, whose fundamental aims are Teaching, Research, and Extension and Support to the Community, shall be a Centre of Excellence for permanent education and to the creation, transmission and diffusion of culture, science and technology.
UTAD has its own place within the core of Higher Education in Portugal since it contributes to satisfying the needs regarding courses of national interest, choosing areas in which the labour market is not yet exhausted.
UTAD’s flexibility, demonstrated by its capacity to adapt to new situations, harmonizing the available resources with the modernity of teaching and being able to propose new forms of learning and of scientific transmission, is a testimony to its vitality.

It is precisely this vitality that justifies it’s position in the core of Portuguese Universities.



  University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
Apartado 1013
5001-801 Vila Real
Tel.: 259 350 000
Fax: 259 350 480
The Bologna Process
Incoming Students (Socrates/Erasmus)
Undergraduate Studies
Postgraduate Studies
How to get to UTAD Campus
UTAD at a glance
Research at UTAD (PDF)
Botanic Garden of UTAD Campus
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