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Staff blogs

Destroying forest to make toilet paper is “worse than driving Hummers”
Major newspaper outlets today are buzzing about how Americans' “preference” for soft toilet paper is an absolute environmental travesty. But is it really a preference, or something that has been sold to us by pulp and paper heavies like Kimberly-Clark?

Tissues, toilet paper, and other disposable products are responsible for unspeakable destruction of ancient forests around the world. And, in today’s New York Times, tissue maker Kimberly-Clark (K-C) has probably given us a bit more information than they meant to about the extent of the destruction they're causing despite their green claims. Read more

Get Down with the GOT
My friend Kate and I think the Greenpeace Organizing Term is pretty rad; so much so, that we're currently working for it! We're talking to students all across the country about the student activist training program that Greenpeace runs. Read more

Fish has a see-through head
All I can say is that you have to see it to believe it. Check out this video of a fish with a see-through head. WOW! I am in total awe at this amazing sea creature. Seeing things like this give me even more reasons to advocate for ocean protection.Read more

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