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Projects & Operations

The World Bank carries out projects and provides a wide variety of analytical and advisory services to help meet the development needs of individual countries and the international community. Summary operational reports are provided below.

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Country lending summaries and analytic documents

Includes awards subject to prior WB review from July 2000-present

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Project Approvals (Loans & Credits)
Feb 24, 2009Yemen: Water Sector Support Project
Feb 24, 2009Mexico: Mexico Sustainable Rural Development Project
Feb 24, 2009Brazil: Espirito Santo Water and Coastal Pollution Management Project [Additional Financing]

Economic & Sector Work
Feb 01, 2009Indonesia - Investasi dalam pendidikan pada tingkat kabupaten/kota di Indonesia : sebuah kajian pengeluaran publik dan pengelolaan keuangan pada tingkat daerah
Feb 01, 2009Indonesia - Investing in Indonesia's education at the district level : an analysis of regional public expenditure and financial management
Jan 02, 2009Core report

Board Minutes (See Board Work Program)
Dec 22, 2008Minutes of meeting of the Executive Directors of the Bank and IDA, held on Monday, December 22, 2008
Dec 18, 2008Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of IFC, held on Thursday, December 18, 2008
Dec 18, 2008Minutes of meeting of the Executive Directors of the Bank and IDA held on Thursday, December 18, 2008

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All over the world, Public Information Center (PIC) staff develop proactive development information centers and outreach programs within their countries.