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World Bank Podcasts


Social Dimensions of Climate Change

What are the Social Dimensions of Climate Change? This is the question that the World Bank tried to address by going straight to the roots, reaching out to those most affected by climate change. Last year the Social Development Department of the World Bank organized a mini documentary contest involving professionals, NGOs or would be video directors around the world. The subject, tell the story of the impact climate change is having on your world. Alexandre Marc of the World Bank and Shona Hamilton the English videographer of the winning video Flood Children of Holdibari, are our guests. To watch all the submitted films go to

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The past, the Engine of Today’s Growth Part 2

The island of Djerba in Tunisia is a magical place. Homer tells us that Ulysses landed here with his companions after traveling the "world." The inhabitants of this island, the Lotophages, fed them a magic potion made with loto, maybe … lotus flowers. Ulysses had to attach himself to the mast of his ship to escape the temptation of the loto magic to finish his mission. Today a museum is dedicated to the lives and ways of these "Lotophages."

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The past, the Engine of Today’s Growth

Troglodytes, Romans, Phoenicians, Berbers, Arabs. What does that have to do with development? Plenty, as you will find out in this special edition of On the Move presented in an audio and video format … I could not resist showing you some of the most beautiful Roman mosaics in the world from the Bardo museum in Tunis! You will also meet – although briefly – and listen to the music of my new Tunisian friend, composer and Oud player Riadh Fehri who regularly presents awesome concerts with the Symphony Orchestra of Vienna and of Sicily in Carthage.

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For Better Results in Infrastructure, Listen to Men and Women

As one magazine wrote recently, "Forget China, India and the Internet: economic growth is driven by women." and the World Bank and its partners are seeing to it that women all around the world are empowered to reach this aim.

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Remittances Part 2

Since the dawn of times less fortunate people have left for far away lands, in more properous countries, to find work and provide their families with money. But what happens when the world's economies are floundering. This is part 2 of The Pangs of Markets Around the World Hurting Remittances

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Remittances Part 1

What is one of the oldest business in the history of humanity? Well find out with our guest Dilip Ratha in part one of our mini series, The Pangs of Markets Around the World Hurting Remittances

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Financial Turmoil Grips World Market

The reponse of the World Bank Group ahead of the G-20 meeting, and what the pundits are not always aware of.

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Youth at Risk

Youth today have huge problems; drug, sex, and violence. Wendy Cunningham and her partners travelled around Latin America and the Caribbean to talk to kids and to listen to their story to help solve the problem of Youth at Risk.

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Climate Resilient Cities

Cities around the world where millions of people live, are particularly threatened by global warming and climate change.
The answer to this problem? Climate proof your city. How? Fatima, Frederica and Zoë tell it all.

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The South-South Experience

India is the largest producer of milk in the world. It took 25 years to reach that goal and today an innovative program is linking Indian and African farmers to replicate India’s dairy revolution in Africa. South helping South.

Developing countries exchanging knowledge and expertise, in this edition of On the move, Operation Flood – milk that is!

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Development Marketplace: The Winners

100 finalists left the Development Marketplace with glitters in their eyes after a few days of networking in Washington, DC and 22 winners pocketed a beautiful crystal award and shared 22 million dollars in grants to carry out their projects.

In this edition of On the Move, you will hear their reactions and also meet one of the persons who make this event possible and a young man with the golden touch who achieved the impossible.

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