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Broadcast and Multimedia

Broadcasters: To receive these feature stories in broadcast quality, please contact Mehreen Sheikh


Gender and Economics

As one magazine wrote recently, "Forget China, India and the Internet: economic growth is driven by women"...Read More

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Feature Video: Working for a World Free of Poverty
An eight-minute World Bank video that tells the story of our work. Powerful visual images highlight some of the results of projects in India, Yemen, Moldova, China, Senegal, and Peru.

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Camille Funnell
Chief of Broadcast
Ph: (202) 458-9369
Em: cfunnell
Francis Dobbs
Senior Film/Video Officer
Ph: (202) 473-7455
Em: fdobbs
Cynthia Carol Case
Media Officer
Ph: (202) 473-6287
Em: ccase

Photo Collection
Simone McCourtie
Ph: (202) 458-5526
Em: smccourtie1
YouTube Channel
Brad Simmons
Ph: (202) 458-9262
Em: bsimmons
Mehreen Sheikh
Ph: (202) 458-7336
Em: msheikh1

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