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Online Media Briefing Center

The Online Media Briefing Center (OMBC) is a password-protected site for working journalists only. Most information in the OMBC is released to the public soon after it is provided to the media. Non-journalists who would like to be informed when new World Bank information is released are invited to subscribe to one or more of our free e-mail newsletters.

Accredited journalists only are invited to complete our brief registration form to tell us about your interests and the media outlets where your work appears. The site offers advance access to World Bank information and opportunities to submit questions through online press conferences. Because the OMBC is intended for journalists only, applications from non-journalists will be rejected.

Are You An Accredited Journalist?
Are you an accredited journalist who agrees to abide by World Bank media embargoes?

Yes, I am an accredited journalist and I would like to request a username and password.

No, but I might want to subscribe to some of the World Bank's free e-mail newsletters.

Already Registered?
If you are already registered and have a username and password, please click here.

If you are registered but have forgotten your password, please click here.

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