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Document Search (including policy research working papers)

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High quality national and international statistics, and global statistical programs
Data Website

Sept 2008 Update on the MDGs

WDI 2008 | PPPs | MDGs Report  | All  

Key Statistics

Data Programs


Cross-country, cross-sector, thematic research outputs from the World Bank's main research unit
Research Website

Conditional Cash Transfers report

Poverty | Crisis | Economic Geography | All

Research Products

Research Programs


Information, analysis, and advice on global trends in the world economy
Prospects Website

Global Economic Prospects 2009

GDF  | Remittances | Daily data

Prospects Products

Prospects for the Global Economy

At a Glance

Key Product Series

Blogs, News & Events

Climate Change Blog
(World Development Report 2010)

Development in a Changing ClimateMaking Stimulus Packages Green.
Justin Lin | Feb 17, 09

People Move Blog
(Migration & Remittances)

People Move BlogRemittance flows to developing countries are estimated to exceed $300 billion in 2008.
Dilip Ratha | Feb 18, 09

Press Releases
A list of all World Bank press releases related to development research and data, with links to language translations and related websites.

Bank Conferences on Development Economics

The most recent Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE) was held in Cape Town, South Africa, June 9-11 on the theme "People, Politics and Globalization". Story, June 18

Other Events
A list of other recent and forthcoming events associated with development research at the World Bank.

New Policy Research Working Papers

4846Is there an incipient turnaround in Asia's "Missing Girls" Phenomenon ?2009/02
4845The impact of EU accession on human capital formation : can migration fuel a brain gain ?2009/02
4844Weakly relative poverty2009/02
4843Connecting lagging and leading regions : the role of labor mobility2009/02
4842Regulatory reform : integrating paradigms2009/02


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