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Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade

R&TD; and
Innovation Vouchers

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Qualified Entities 


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on the Public Contracts



General 2009.01.29 "PME Investe III" Credit Line The total amount of this Credit Line is EUR 1600 million – to be divided among the following sectors: Exports, Automobile, Tourism and Micro and Small Enterprises.

General 2008.11.17 Presentation Session of the Compete Programme A new trademark, the newsletter and the free line were some of the news announced in Aveiro.

2008.11.12 It is now easier to stay connected!

Incentives to Enterprises 2008.09.18 IS R&TD; Assistance authorised by the European Commission

Financing and Risk Sharing 2008.09.18 Finova - Support Fund for Innovation Financing Learn more about the Decree-Law that establishes Finova – Support Fund for Innovation Financing as an independent fund.



Decree-Law no. 65/2009

Amends Decree-Law no. 287/2007 of 17 August and introduces measures for adding flexibility to the operation of the incentive schemes of QREN directed at enterprises.


Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 27/2009

Establishes the central registry of the de minimis aid.




Legislative Order no. 12/2009
Defines the nature and limits of the expenses deemed eligible expenses for the purposes of co-financing under the ESF.


Application Forms

Apply now! The application forms for the following incentive schemes are already available: 

IS for Innovation

  • Projects related to the Production of New Goods and Services, New Processes or Manufacturing Methods, within the vehicle sector.

IS for R&TD

  • Co-Promoted Projects within the vehicle sector;
  • Individual Projects within the vehicle sector.

Collective Actions

  • Collective Actions Scheme within the vehicle sector.


Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) no. 85/2009

Amending Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund concerning certain provisions relating to financial management.


Projects approved under the POFC

Now available – the list projects approved under the POFC up to 28 February 2009.


Technical Guidelines Document no. 07/2009

Now available, the Technical Guidelines that establishes the period of validity of the guarantee to be submitted according to the terms of the model contained in the Annex I to the Rules for Payments.

IS R&TD; 2009.02.17

1st Invitation to Tender 2009 - Co-Promoted Projects

Applications may now be submitted in relation to Co-Promoted Projects within the vehicle sector! For further information, please consult the relevant Invitation to Tender. 

IS R&TD; 2009.02.17

1st Invitation to Tender 2009 - Individual Project

Would you like to apply to the “Incentive Scheme for R&TD – Individual Project”? The Invitation to Tender within the vehicle sector has been issued. Learn all about it: consult the relevant Notice of Invitation to Tender and the Specifications for Project Merit Evaluation. 


IS Innovation 2009.02.17

1st Invitation to Tender 2009 - New Goods and Services, New Processes and Manufacturing Methods: Vehicle Sector

This week, the Incentive Scheme for Innovation launched the 1st Invitation to Tender for Projects related to the Production of New Goods and Services, New Processes or Manufacturing Methods, within the vehicle sector.