About FCT...

The mission

The Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) started its operations in August 1997. It succeeds Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica (JNICT). Any pre 1997 references on this site are likely to refer to JNICT.

FCT’s mission consists in continuously promoting the advancement of scientific and technological knowledge in Portugal, exploring opportunities that become available in any scientific or technological domain to attain the highest international standards in the creation of knowledge, and to stimulate their diffusion and contribution to improve education, health, environment, and the quality of life and well being of the general public.

This mission is mainly accomplished through the financing subsequent to the evaluation of the merit of proposals presented by institutions, research teams or individuals in public open calls, and also through cooperation agreements and other forms of support in partnership with universities and other public or private institutions.

The results of the activities of FCT are, in essence, the additional contributions of individuals, research groups and institutions who have been awarded financing.


  • To promote, finance, accompany and evaluate science and technology institutions, programs, projects and qualification of human resources;
  • To promote and strengthen support infra-structures for scientific research and technological development;
  • To promote the diffusion of scientific and technological culture and knowledge, and their teaching;
  • To stimulate the update, interconnection, reinforcement and availability of science and technology information sources.

Science and technology are considered in a wide sense including exact, natural and health sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities.

Legal standing

The new Lei orgânica was published April 27, 2007 and contains a more detailed version of current FCT functions and of the new structure of governing bodies. The members of the new governing bodies will be available below as soon as positions are filled. The new FCT estatutos were published on April 30 2007 and define its internal structure.

Governing Bodies

Council of Directors

  • Prof. João Sentieiro (President)
  • Prof. Lígia Amâncio
  • Prof. Francisco Sepúlveda Teixeira

Internal Structure


  • Departamento de Gestão e Administração
  • Departamento de Formação dos Recursos Humanos em Ciência e Tecnologia
  • Departamento de Programas e Projectos de Investigação Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico
  • Departamento de Suporte à Rede das Instituições Científicas e Tecnológicas
  • Departamento das Relações Europeias, Bilaterais e Multilaterais

FCT Activity Report Archive


Deloitte/FCT Report 18/03/2008
Compairison of several grant awarding systems from various countries including Portugal.