Marie Curie Actions

Marie Curie Actions

European Reintegration Grants (ERG)

People Program (7th Research Framework Program)

What are they?

Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants provide financial assistance to researchers who are looking for a long-term employment in research after they have concluded their training within a Marie Curie Action under the 6th or the 7th Framework programme. The duration of the grants is between 2 and 3 years.

Who can apply?

Researchers from EU Member States or Associated Countries with at least 4 years full-time postgraduate research experience or a doctoral degree, who have benefited from a Marie Curie training and mobility action with duration of at least 18 months. The researcher applies in liaison with a (re)integration host organisation located in an EU Member State or Associated Country.

Which research topics are supported?

Proposals from all areas of scientific and technological research of interest to the European Union are welcome.

How does it work?

The researcher applies in liaison with a (re)integration host organisation located in an EU Member State or Associated Country.

The proposal has to be submitted at the earliest 1 year before the end of the initial Marie Curie fellowship and not later than 6 months following its end. The execution of the project must start at the latest 12 months after the end of the initial fellowship. Applications will be evaluated twice a year.

Whenever an application is selected, the Comission signs a Grant Agreement with the (re)integration host organisation, which in turn signs a contract with the researcher.

What does the funding cover?

The grant is a flat-rate contribution to the project costs, e.g. salary costs of the researcher or other staff employed for the project, travel cost, consumables, patent or publication costs etc. The grant amounts to €15000 per year during the period of reintegration which can last from 2 to 3 years.

Call for applications: October 9th, 2008, continuous submission

Cut-off dates: 2nd of April, 2009 and October 8th, 2009, 17:00 Brussels local time (16:00 Lisbon).


For additional informations, contact the National Contact Point:

Ana Margarida Santos

Data on this page obtained from a European Commission, under the supervision and with further clarifications from the Portuguese National Contact Point.