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PForge Epitech
USVN is a End of studies project Epitech
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Welcome on USVN !

Userfriendly SVN is a PHP5 web interface which permit to administrate and to configure Subversion repositories.
It allows users to create and manage projects without command line SVN client. USVN manages your projects for you, and allows users to checkout source code only if they are allowed to. Dispatch administrators on different projects become easy and safe.

During the installation process, USVN shows you an apache configuration bloc. After merging it with your apache configuration file, you don't need further root access.

USVN enable an easy, fast and powerful repositories files access configuration. For example translators may only have translation files access.

USVN is an open source project under CeCill licence (it's a GPL compatible licence).

Last USVN release includes this features:

  • Administrators and user management
  • Group management
  • Project management
  • Repository browsing
  • Repository file access management
USVN it's translated into 12, languages (chinese, czech, english, french, german, russian, spanish, japanese, brazilian portuguese, portuguese, dutch and indonesian).