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Welcome to the sventon project!

sventon is a web client for browsing Subversion repositories. It is powerful, straightforward to use, and super easy to install.

sventon is a pure Java application, all you need to run it is a J2SE 5.0 runtime and a Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0 compliant webserver, such as Tomcat 5.5. Installation is truly simple, we will have you up and running in no-time!

Some of the features making sventon a great Subversion companion:

  • Browse and download directories and files
  • View logs and blame individual files
  • Diff your repository files, or view their properties
  • Show differences between paths.
  • Support for multiple repositories
  • Several authentication methods supported, including user based
  • Easily keep track of changes using the 'latest commit' feature
  • Lightning fast search for instantly finding files or log messages, including CamelCase Search
  • Flattening of directory structures for quickly finding the directory you're looking for
  • Browse inside archive files
  • View thumbnails of image files stored in the repository
  • Commit notifications via e-mail
  • Context sensitive RSS feed support
  • Instantly find locked files in the repository
  • Convenient tray for handling entries
  • ... and more!

Have a look at the screenshots and feature page for the current feature set.

Browse the sventon Subversion repository using sventon.

Available versions:
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See the sventon wiki for user and developer documentation.

If you have any questions regarding sventon usage or development, please check the FAQ or visit the sventon Google group to discuss different topics with sventon committers and users.