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SubTrain – Open Source Trainings for Subversion
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About SubTrain

The aim of the project is to provide a set of training materials that can be used for Subversion trainings. Imagine your company has decided to switch from its old version control system to Subversion. All went well, migration was successful and you are ready to kick start your new projects in a brand new Subversion repository. Suddenly you notice that not everybody has spent as much time with Subversion as you. As a matter of fact you realize that you are almost the only one who is familiar with Subversion.

There you go – understanding that your colleagues have to learn how to use Subversion you roll up your sleeves and face the unavoidable. In another coffee and pizza night you prepare a bunch of slides that will explain the basic concepts of Subversion. Does that sound familiar?
Not that pizza or coffee is a bad thing – we just think that situations like this are not rare. Yes it is not just you ;-). Truthfully we believe you may build a pizza service business on those night shifts. So we thought, "Let's use the open source concept for training materials!" – and so SubTrain was born.

SubTrain gives you a predefined set of slides and side materials that you can use for training classes. Currently there are two types of trainings available:
  • Subversion administration
  • Subversion usage
Project Vision

Our vision is that trainings using SubTrain materials should be a unique and fun experience for all participants – students and trainer alike. Fun to use and fun to choose.

Who Can Use SubTrain?

  • Anybody who has to deliver Subversion training in his/her company.
  • Training professionals who don’t want to reinvent the wheel, but instead reuse existing materials.

Latest News Project Details
2009-01-09 SubTrain 1.5 localized in portuguese
2008-10-15 SubTrain 1.5 released
2007-08-29 SubTrain 1.0.4 released
2007-04-27 SubTrain 1.0.0 released
License: All SubTrain materials are published under the Creative Commons Attribution License - Read
Current version: 1.5
Last update: 2008-10-15