Main Page

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Welcome to the Subversion Wiki.


Got a question about Subversion?

Since this wiki seems to lack content at the moment, try the Subversion FAQ.

Also, there is another wiki related to Subversion. At this time, it contains more content than this wiki. However unlike this wiki, it doesn't use the more popular MediaWiki engine, and apprently, due to spam problems, was forced to shut off public editing.


Contrib tools

  • - Automatic branch management with merge tracking support.
  • Repository Upgrade - Upgrade from an older repository to latest (1.4) (Windows)
  • Subclipse - The subversion plugin for Eclipse
  • SVNKit - Pure Java Subversion library
  • SVN Notifier - Notifies you about other people's commits to subversion

MediaWiki help

This wiki uses the MediaWiki software. Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

Getting started

Personal tools