DITrack — Distributed Issue Tracker
We aim to create a simple distributed issue tracking solution that doesn't require a complex infrastructure setup, works with different backends and provides clean APIs for integration.

Jun 29, 2008

DITrack 0.8 has been released: see the announcement.

DITrack is a free, open source, lightweight, distributed issue (bug, defect, ticket) tracking system. It is implemented in Python and runs in UNIX (*BSD, Linux, MacOS X) and Windows environment, though support for the latter is limited. DITrack is distributed under BSD license.

The goal of this project is to provide a solution that would allow one to start tracking issues almost instantly, i.e. without requirements for complex backend infrastructure. Currently DITrack uses Subversion as its distributed file system backend, though we are planning to be backend-agnostic in the future.

The target auditory for DITrack are geeks — developers and system administrators. These species usually spend their life in command line and thus we first focus on command line interface. At the same time we strive to grow simple and clean APIs for easy integration with other systems. As a proof of concept we have implemented a simple read-only web interface on top of the DITrack client library.

The following are distinctive features of DITrack:

comprehensible distributed model
Distributed doesn't have to be complex. DITrack's distribution model is simple and comprehensible: if you are familiar with Subversion or CVS you'll have no problem understanding DITrack.
zero setup cost
There is no need to setup additional infrastructure for basic needs of issue tracking. Having a version control system is all you need to start.
plain text
All data files are plain text (we extensively use RFC2822 format). In an emergency, '/bin/cat' and '/usr/bin/vi' would do to deal with the issue database. Let alone the ease of maintenance of the plain text data.
disconnected operation
No excuses to stop working on a plane or a shuttle bus. You can use a snapshot of the issue database and even perform updates to be synced with the master issue database later.

DITrack requires:

For more information about the design of DITrack and its current status, see the development information page.

DITrack is developed by a small core engineering group with lots of help from individual contributors.

Initially DITrack was inspired by the idea of Subissue, but has significantly changed since.