Black Tackle

Black Tackle is a collection of tools that we have found useful. Please contribute.

Getting the code

git clone git://



See License for the the copyright and terms of use of the software in oink-stack.


  • Simple-Patch: [dsw] Applies a diff to a file or directory. Similar to Larry Wall's patch, but doesn't do things such as ask you questions when the file it is trying to patch is missing.
  • MTS: [dsw] Multi-TeSTer, 'MTS', implements a domain-specific language or maintaining tests that supports two properties I have found desirable: single source: the command, input, and expected output are all in one file; controlled experimentation: multiple slightly different tests can be generated from the same source with different expected outputs.
  • punch_clock and punch_clock_report: simple Python programs for tracking your time on multiple projects and generating billing reports; they use a human-readable and editable text file database.