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Summary Notifies you about other people's commits to subversion
Category scm
License GNU General Public License
Owner(s) vlar


SVN Notifier is a simple and useful tool to monitor your Subversion project repository for changes. SVN Notifier notifies you about recent commits and helps you keep your local copy up to date. You can review all the changes and update your local copy right from the application.

This software has been developed for internal use at CHD Ltd (www.chd.lv). But as it is not related to company's main business (retail solutions, cash registers, etc.) the company gave us permission to release SVN Notifier under GNU License to support the open source community.

SVN Notifier is free software for both personal and commercial use. Developers: Vlad Rudenko, Aleksej Vaschenko, Nikolaj Nahimov.


Latest stable release 1.8.1 (release notes) - Windows Installer (.msi) package.
Previous versions are here.

Run requirements

Build requirements

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, C#


(System tray notification)

(Main form)

(Settings) (Settings - Status) (Settings - Update)