
Currently you will find the following projects on this site:

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SupoSE: Release 0.5.0 Ceres
Primary fixing non running alpha-1 binary.
Added by Karl Heinz Marbaise 5 days ago

SupoSE: Release 0.5.0 (Ceres) Alpha 1
Supporting SVN 1.5 etc.
Added by Karl Heinz Marbaise 15 days ago

SupoSE: Lecture about SupoSE at the Subversion Conference in Munich
I have helt a lecture about the Subversion Repository Search Engine on the 2. Subversion Conference in Munich.
Added by Karl Heinz Marbaise 99 days ago

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  • SupoSE (10/19/2008 12:48 PM)

    Subversion Repository Search Engine