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SharpSvn is a binding of the Subversion Client API for .Net 2.0 applications contained within a set of xcopy-deployable dll's. Notable users of this api are (at this time):

SharpSvn is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, to allow using it in open source and commercial projects.

You can contact the SharpSvn project via users-RemoveThis@sharpsvn.open.collab.RemoveThis.net if you have any questions, suggestions, bugfixes, etc.


The SharpSvn API encapsulates the whole Subversion 1.5 client api and a few of the more low-level api's. The api is designed around the Microsoft class library design guidelines and follows the common language specification (CLS). The SharpSvn managed code includes all subversion references, so you can just use xcopy deployment for releasing applications using this libary. The only external requirement is the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 runtime.

The implementation of SharpSvn is mostly complete and in use in several projects. The current api is mostly stable and we are cleaning up some small issues over the next period, but we don't expect any changes on the common commands. By the end of 2008 we hope to declare most of the API stable. The design of SharpSvn makes it possible to use the current release side by side with a future release (even in the same application), so if your use cases are stable you can treat SharpSvn as stable too.

We are seeking for help building a more complete test set, writing better documentation and are open for extending the api for more use-cases.

About SharpSvn

SharpSvn started as a project by Bert Huijben on Google Code. The most prominent user of SharpSvn is the AnkhSVN project (Subversion support for Visual Studio). When AnkhSVN moved to openCollabNet in January 2008, SharpSvn was moved as well so that the two development communities can work in sync and grow together. 

Over the last months more and more projects are using SharpSvn to integrate Subversion support in their applications.

CollabNet hosts and supports the SharpSvn project with the goal to accelerate growth of the community and adoption by other open source and commercial development teams that want to integrate Subversion in their .NET environments. CollabNet also contributes code to the project.

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