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Summary Provides Subversion file-icon badging and commands from Finder
Category scm
License X/MIT License
Owner(s) jackrepenning, jp, sussman
Project Overview


2008/07/05 - Announcing Release 0.7.2 of SCPlugin!

I've just put up the final release of 0.7.2, in the usual place. This release makes major improvements in user name / password handling, appearance, and personalization, and now supports your choice of Subversion 1.4.6 or 1.5.0. I encourage all users to upgrade. See the announcement for full details.

About SCPlugin

The goal of the SCPlugin project is to integrate Subversion into the Mac OS X Finder. The inspiration for this project came from the TortoiseSVN project.

Current Features:

  • Support for Subversion.
  • Access to commonly used source control operations via contextual menu [screenshot]
  • Dynamic icon badging for files under version control. Shows the status of your files visually. [ screenshot ]
Possible Futures
  • a repository browser
  • PathFinder support


Bugs, Bugging, and the One True Bug

Just so we're clear: SCPlugin is still a work in progress. We, the developers, think it's quite useful already, and lots of folks in the user's list think so too, but there are loads of things left to do (see the Issues list, from the link above).

If you have trouble using it, or if you find a bug, we want to hear about it! The user's list is the first place to go, either by mail or on line. Maybe we already knew, maybe someone can help you out, maybe you'll just fine a congenial crowd of like-minded folks. How can you lose?

But if you've just noticed that the icon badging is somewhere between "inconsistent" and "totally busticated," be assured we know — everybody knows! Check this thread in the user's list for the best known way to work around the problem. If you've OS X programming skills (Cocoa and Carbon) and the time, we have some strong leads on how to fix this, but haven't yet put them to use: come join us in dev@, and maybe you can be the one to finish the job.

Welcome! Share and Enjoy!


Download the binaries from the Documents & files area of this project.

Source is available via Subversion from http://scplugin.tigris.org/svn/scplugin/trunk . Please note that you must provide a Tigris user name and password to access this; if you'd like to do it anonymously, use 'guest' for the username (with an empty password).

$Id: index.html 823 2008-12-19 23:27:33Z jackrepenning $