The Script


sccs2svn is a Python script written by Robert Zeh that converts SCCS repositories to a Subversion repository. It was originally written to convert Error Free Software's SCCS repositories to Subversion, but my boss Alexie Gitter allowed me to release it to the outside world. Since then it has grown by gradual accretion as people report bugs and provide fixes.

The script assumes that your SCCS repositories are arranged in a hierarchy, where each directory has its own SCCS directory:

The structure will be replicated in the newly created Subversion repository, minus the SCCS directories. Each file's history will be replicated as well. The script will attempt to merge together deltas that are near each other in time, and have the same comment.


You need the following to run

On my Debian box this corresponds to the packages svn, python2.3 and python2.3-svn.

The script takes the following options:

Example run

Here is an run from the testing directory:

razeh@squirmy:~/sccs2svn/trunk/tests/test01$ ../../src/ --user admin --svn-repository test01-svn --sccs-repository .
Visiting  ./SCCS
Read 2 versions.
consolidated length =  3
sending  /file.txt 2006-02-04T07:09:04.000000Z
committing version  1
sending  /file.txt 2006-02-04T07:09:04.000000Z
committing version  2
sending  /file.txt 2006-02-04T07:10:18.000000Z
committing version  3
skipping property set for  /file.txt
committing version  5
You should take a look at your local software if the example in test01 doesn't work on your machine.

Notes was originally hosted on my web site but has been moved to Berlios, an open source repository.

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