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Summary Software requirements management tools
Owner(s) jrobbins


Good and up-to-date requirements are key to effective software development. Open source methods hope to gather good requirements through close interaction with end-users. However, any kind of project can benefit from a mix of direct involvement and closely managed formal specifications.

This category contains projects for tools that help express, manage, validate, update, or formalize requirements. Also, this category contains projects with content describing methods and templates for software requirements.


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Project name Summary
cvsanaly-web A web front-end for CvsAnaly
eclipsedotnet An extensible, integrated tools platform for the CLR (.NET/Mono)
grajax Thin Rich Interactive Graphs using AJAX
horizon Tools for Automating Software Development Process
jasonkitty Web framework for mapping HTML parameters to server side objects
jreq flexible project management system
mogno A domain model implementation of software requirements.
nspec A Behaviour Specification Framework for .Net
openteamsystem Open Source System much like MS Team System for VS2005
pet-msit-07 This is the software engineering foundation course project.
phpprime A LGPL and complete intranet framework.
pnguyen Paul Nguyen's Research Project
puppy Puppy is a XP team project management platform.
rave Requirements Automation and Validation Engine
readyset Ready-to-use Software Engineering Templates
req-engine Requirements engineering tool
reqs Simple language and tools for sorting, filtering, and processing
srtk software requirements toolkit
stylebase Tool for managing a software architectural knowledgebase
ucdd Use Case Driven Design Using XML
umlet Free, fast UML editor (Java)
xmlbasedsrs Writing software requirements specifications as XML documents.
yoxel Adaptive Project Management