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Summary Projects related to software development processes
Owner(s) jrobbins


The software process improvment movement really took hold in the 1990's. It focused the attention of software engineering on development process rather than on specific tools or technologies. This category holds projects that define or support software development processes and links to supporting background information.


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Project name Summary
activitysensor Capturing developer's activities during development process
allseeingi Visual Programming GUI for computer vision and visualisation
aopmetrics Common metrics suite tool for Java and AspectJ
bitreflex LDAP Management Applications and Libraries
buckminster Tools for component based development (build, component db etc)
build-interceptor Intercepts the .i files of a project while it is built with gcc.
carnarvon A tool for software archaeology analysis
ccmarauder CruiseControl.Net Plugin
codipse CODIPSE-COoperative and DIstributed Process Support Environment
cvsanaly CVS/Subversion repository analyzer
cvsanaly-web A web front-end for CvsAnaly
dig Excavation of ancient code
eclipsedotnet An extensible, integrated tools platform for the CLR (.NET/Mono)
far-unlimited Powerful plug-ins for powerful FAR Manager
frameworx J2EE framework, Java build mechanism
grajax Thin Rich Interactive Graphs using AJAX
historian A .Net program for displaying revision history in a project.
hoot Process improvement for open software projects
horizon Tools for Automating Software Development Process
jeanda Efficiency and agility analysis for Java projects
jmt JavaMeasurementTool: For measuring of java source code.
lptools A literate programming suite with a programmable build tool.
machiidocumentation Documentation for the Mach-II Framework
macroscope SDK for easy writing high scalable network programs and more...
match-and-start P2P Distributed Project Management System