Collaboa 0.6.1 is out

Collaboa 0.6.1 fixes a few smaller issues:

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Collaboa 0.6 released

Collaboa 0.6 is ready

This release allows you to run multiple projects from the same Collaboa install, either in separate repositories or all in one. Let’s see your Trac do that!

This is big news if you keep all your projects in one repository. You can browse tickets, milestones, and changesets for an individual project or look at all projects combined.

Other major changes:

Thanks to everyone who contributed bugs, patches, and words of affirmation! This release was a big step forward, but there’s still much to be done. Looking ahead, we see registration and email notification, major code cleanup and RESTification, easier installation, and automated Trac migration.

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Dev site down for maintenance

The dev site is currently down because it’s being moved to another server and will be upgraded to trunk. Expect better performance and reliability from the new server environment.

Update: and it’s back. We’ll be doing a bit of configuration changes over the next evening or two, so expect a few on and off’s during that. After that, we’ll get running off the trunk.

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