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Saturday 28th 2009 10:49:22 PM MET

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patents, trademarks, patente, marken close feed edit Wie frei ist Opel wirklich?

found 2 h ago on www.nz-online.de

General Motors will 300 Millionen Euro, damit wir Opel retten ...

found 2 h ago on www.bz-berlin.de

Guttenberg fordert Klartext vom Opel-Management

found 2 h ago on www.spiegel.de


found 2 h ago on www.tagesspiegel.de

FSF: The Danger of Software Patents

found 3 h ago on www.digitalmajority.org

Hitting Heavy Traffic with TomTom

found 4 h ago on www.crn.com


found 8 h ago on www.newmobilecomputing.com

California Healthline

found 10 h ago on www.californiahealthline.org

Obama's policy for Crisis of Historic Proportions- III

found 10 h ago on www.merinews.com

FrontPage magazine.com

found 10 h ago on frontpagemagazine.com

These headlines do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the patent law firm v. Kreisler Selting Werner. Please also review the disclaimer


patents, trademarks, patente, marken close feed edit TTAB: 76688551

found 21 h ago on des.uspto.gov

BPAI: 10006600

found 28 h ago on des.uspto.gov

BPAI: 09775692

found 28 h ago on des.uspto.gov

BPAI: 10614114

found 28 h ago on des.uspto.gov

BPAI: 11178758

found 28 h ago on des.uspto.gov


patents, trademarks, patente, marken close feed edit DPMA: Mitteilung vom 27.02.2009

found 32 h ago on presse.dpma.de

SIPO: Signing Ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement of Establishing the Demonstration Province of IP...

found 37 h ago on www.sipo.gov.cn

SIPO: Tian Lipu Sends a Congratulation Letter to Huawei for Its Top Position in PCT Patent Applicati...

found 37 h ago on www.sipo.gov.cn

SIPO: Survey: Hong Kong People Increasingly Aware of IP Rights Protection

found 37 h ago on www.sipo.gov.cn


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