FCT Programs
About The Program Governance Contacts
Monday, October 27, 2008
Information Processing and Networking Critical Infrastructures and Risk Assessment Technology, Innovation and Policy Applied Mathematics
Sensing Technologies and Networks for Risk Minimization Systems

The main goal of the partnership is to contribute to promoting the development of the Portuguese scientific and technological capabilities necessary for both the operation and performance assessment of public risk minimization systems. This will rely on an integrated research and educational (PhD) program in the area of Critical Infrastructures and Risk Assessment, specially focused on Networked Sensor, Communication, and Decision Systems, which are important and very actual topics in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Those topics include the sub-areas of wireless sensor networks, HW platforms and sensing technologies, software and middleware, decision making, actuation, security, privacy, applications, and risk assessment.

The partnership has been launched in Portugal with ISR-Lisbon, INESC-ID, CISTER/ISEP, and ISQ, but it is expected to bring together other leading Portuguese institutions. The following CMU Units are involved: Center for Sensed Critical Infrastructure Research (CenSCIR), Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department, Computer Science (CS) Department, Engineering and Public Policy (EPP) Department, and Tepper, the CMU Business School.

The participant researchers, from the Portuguese partners and from CMU, form a multidisciplinary team that cover all the sub-areas identified in the CIRA area.

This is a collaborative scientific program in the general area of CIRA, promoting joint research initiatives, integrating the capabilities of the Portuguese research units and of CMU, and including a dual doctoral program in ECE to be granted by IST – UTL and CMU, the main focus of which being on Networked Sensor, Communication, and Decision Systems. Other potential partner universities in Portugal will be defined during the initial phase of the Program. The research objectives in this collaboration cover the sub-areas of wireless sensor networks, HW platforms and sensing technologies, software and middleware, decision making, actuation, security, privacy, applications, and risk assessment, and other technological/ scientific related topics such as: static and mobile sensors; data, image, and video processing; distributed information fusion and perception; computer vision; optimization; cooperative planning and decision making. This research activity will be strongly connected to the doctoral program in ECE, although in some specific cases it may support students involved in other doctoral studies directly related with the objectives of this partnership.

The doctoral program is designed to take up to five years to complete. Students are required to fulfill course requirements covering fundamentals and applied topics in ECE and in other relevant areas, such as risk analysis and decision support methods. Typically, each student will spend the first year in Portugal taking the courses on fundamentals. The next 1½ /2 years are spent at CMU to complete the course requirements and the qualifying examination. The final 1½ /2 years are spent in Portugal. Since the beginning, the student will be involved in research activities related with the theme of his/her thesis.
