FCT Programs
About The Program Governance Contacts
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Information Processing and Networking Critical Infrastructures and Risk Assessment Technology, Innovation and Policy Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics

The main goal of this project is to develop advanced programs of research and education in specific areas of mathematics of common interest and expertise between faculty of CMU and from Portuguese Universities.

This area considers a doctoral program in Applied Mathematics involving a consortium proposed and to be launched with the three Mathematical Departments at the three public Universities in Lisbon, namely, Universidade Técnica, through IST, Universidade de Lisboa, through Faculdade de Ciências, and Universidade Nova de Lisboa, through Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, and the Math Department at CMU. Other potential partners in Portugal will be defined during the initial phase of the Program.

The work program defined for this area will reinforce the scientific and educational programs at the three Portuguese Universities in Applied Mathematics, stimulate mobility and scientific interactions among graduate students, researchers, and post-docs, and attract strongly motivated students that are able to integrate advanced research in Mathematics and applications.

The project establishes a program of graduate studies in Mathematics. In particular, it sets up an internationally attractive graduate program leading to a dual degree in Mathematics and promotes matching between members of CMU and members of the Portuguese Universities in order to ensure good scientific interaction and top research work.

