Statistics Portugal



The impact of different migratory scenarios in the demographic ageing in Portugal, 2009-2060 Maria da Graça Magalhães e João Peixoto > Demographic Studies Review - 2nd Semi-annual 2008

Since the late 1990s, several studies addressed the future of the European population and the role that international migration can play in offsetting population decline and slowing down ageing. ...
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The power of the statistics and the statistics of the power. Notes on the contribution of António de Almeida Garrett for the population studies in Portugal Rosalina Costa > Demographic Studies Review - 2nd Semi-annual 2008

This paper presents the results of a first approach into the work of António de Almeida Garrett (1884-1961), particularly the essay «The Problems of Natality», published in twenty ...
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The demographic changes in Portugal Maria José Carrilho e Lurdes Patrício > Demographic Studies Review - 2nd Semi-annual 2008

At the beginning of the XXI century, Portugal remains a country with low fertility, increasing life expectancy and decreasing net migration. In 2007, the natural increase was negative, a situation ...
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