Statistics Portugal

Statistics Portugal Dissemination Policy follows a clear customer-oriented policy, assigning the greatest importance to meeting customers' needs and expectations. Wide and easy access to Statistics Portugal’s information is our priority, as well as improving the quality of the service provided.

Dissemination service
- On the Internet
On this website, you can:

  • browse and download free of charge a significant volume of information;
  • have access to other electronic services, which includes subscribing contents or sending requests on information not available on the website;
  • have access to the Biblioteca Digital de Estatísticas Oficiais (Digital Library of Official Statistics), that contains the images of all publications issued by Statistics Portugal since 1864, totalling over 1.5 million pages.

- In Statistics Portugal's libraries
Statistics Portugal libraries in Porto, Coimbra, Lisboa, Évora and Faro - enable free access to: all our published information, in hard copy and/or CD-Rom; statistical data published by other organisations (national, foreign or international); our website and the websites of official statistical organizations across the world.

- Statistics Portugal Information Network in libraries of higher education establishments
This network - composed of Access Points to Statistics Portugal’s information, operating in libraries located at higher educational establishments, all over the mainland - allows clients to visit Statistics Portugal's website and to have access to its publications in hard copy and/or CD-Rom, as well as to other services provided by Statistics Portugal, with the support of duly trained staff.
All Access Points operate a direct telephone line connected to Statistics Portugal, free of charge, intended to support and/or provide additional clarification. They are not exclusively intended for teachers or students, but are at the disposal of all citizens.

- European Statistical Data Support (ESDS) in Portugal
This service is oriented to provide help and guidance to internet users of European statistical data (in Portuguese and English) and to ease the troubleshooting related to the use of EUROSTAT website.
Access can be obtained through the Customer Support Service of Statistics Portugal or at Requests for data or information can be adressed to:

Sale service

Our customers can acquire both published and ''tailor-made'' information.
- Published information
Published information can be acquired at Statistics Portugal premises or ordered on-line, by fax or email.
- "Tailor-made" information
''Tailor-made'' information involves research and/or treatment of information. As a result a value-added product is obtained, whose costs are borne by the customer.
The deadline for its delivery depends on the complexity of the research required.
Its sale is subject to statistical confidentiality and data representativity.
This information can be obtained through the same channels as the published information.

Customer support service
This service is oriented to provide guidance to customers in the consulting, obtaining and utilisation of information, as well as to ensure after-sale service.
Telephones:     808201808 - local call cost, national network
                       (+351) 226050748 - international or mobile networks
Fax:                 (+351) 218426364

Media-oriented service
Statistics Portugal offers the media a service oriented to journalists' specific requirements, providing support in the consultation and clarification of the information provided, as well as in obtaining ''tailor-made'' information through the Communication and Image Service:

Researcher-oriented service
The academic community has specific requirements in terms of statistical information, namely intended to the development of research and to the preparation of Master and Doctorate degrees.
Statistics Portugal has established a Protocol with the Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education, with a view to providing the academic community with easier access to the statistical information required for their activity.
For that purpose, interested researchers are invited to register with the Gabinete de Planeamento, Estratégia, Avaliação e Relações Internacionais - GPEARI - (Office of Planning, Strategy, Evaluation and International Relations) (Observatory for Science and Higher Education), where they will receive the necessary information.

Customer survey
Statistics Portugal has implemented a number of mechanisms intended to evaluate its customers' satisfaction degree in terms of services provided, to identify requirements, and to collect suggestions:
  • Permanente survey online
  • Permanent survey in Statistics Portugal's libraries;
  • Occasional surveys to different types of customers (journalists, researchers, entrepreneurs, etc).

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