The UA develops innovative algorithm for image compression
For the last three years, two researchers from the UA´s Research Unit IEETA have been developing a method for reversible image compression of DNA microarrays. The achieved cutting-edge results were published in this month´s edition of the prominent scientific magazine «IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging», which is known to have an incomparable worldwide impact in the area of image-processing.
«Very Good» e «Excellent» in 82% of the research units in the UA
The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) has recently divulged the first results of the evaluation process to all the research and development units of the country, concerning the period from 2003 to 2006. The University of Aveiro acquired the results of “Very Good” and “Excellent” in about 82% of its research units (including Associated Labs), a value clearly above the national average, which is close to 58%.
University of Aveiro e Carnegie Mellon University accept applications for the Master of Science in Information Networking (MSIN)
Applications are now open, until April 15th, for the Master of Science in Information Networking (MSIN), which is delivered jointly by the University of Aveiro and Carnegie Mellon University. An information session will take place in the Amphitheatre of the Telecommunications Institution in Aveiro, in which a new scholarship programme will also be presented.
Britannica Online Academic Edition free trial
All the b-on members have access, from now on until the 20th of Mars, to Britannica Online Academic Edition through the url - http://www.search.eb.com/.