Equipa Imprensa

Site oriented to improve the quality of the laboratory learning

This project is oriented to introduce weblabs in laboratory curricular units as well as in curricular units without laboratory schedule assigned.

This portal gives access to virtual laboratories where animations, videos and remote control of experiments can be handled, giving extra digital content for teaching in laboratory classes and for curricular units without laboratory time assigned.

Contents and didactic material are being developed for virtual laboratories where the student can enter to know and explore objects like microscopes, reactors and "manipulate" intangibles realities like understanding how a molecule can catalyze a modification in another one.

The launching of virtual laboratories, with the insertion of these tools in teaching activities and his offer in internet, will permit the preparation of the students before having the laboratory classes or the examination, simulation or observation of certain key-experiments to understand the material for those curricular unities without a laboratory component part.

Also, these tools will establish a fundamental element in future actions of E-Learning.


Project supported by strategic "Quality Program" funds of the University of Minho
Webdesign ©2005  Vlabs