
Result of student project on desktop sharing over SIP. 2009/02/04

Free webservice shows output of various Office implementations side-by-side. 2009/02/02

Sponsor awards October 2008 2008/11/25


Welcome to NLnet Foundation

NLnet foundation financially supports organizations and people that contribute to an open information society. It funds software, events, educational activities --and more. The procedure is fast and open to anyone. Find out what NLnet can do for you

The articles of association for the NLnet foundation state: "to promote the exchange of electronic information and all that is related or beneficial to that purpose". NLnet believes in open standards and open source. More on NLnet's principles

At the moment, dozens of projects and organizations are supported financially. Amongst them: research laboratory NLnet Labs, the Free Software Foundation, ThinkQuest, Intelligent Interactive Distributed Systems, and the Internet Society. More on the current projects

The foundation's funding comes from donations, legacies, and interest on a substantial own capital formed in 1997 by the sale of the first Dutch Internet Service Provider. Its private capital ensures an absolute independent position. More on NLnet's history


Call for Proposals for small projects. Next deadline April 1st 2009.

Call for Proposals for projects on themas Privacy and ODF.