Welcome to euroCRIS

Scientific research is only possible with adequate information and datasets. This relates to the complete workflow, from grant application up to and including peer-reviewed publications. Using CRIS (Current Research Information Systems), which bring together the information that underpins this research, we can avoid the risk of losing out on significant improvements in wealth and quality of life.


Not surprisingly there is an increasing awareness of the need for quality research management (information) systems: 

  • for researchers: easy access to relevant information and associated software, processor power, storage systems and - where necessary - detectors to collect more data to overcome incomplete or inconsistent information

  • for research managers and administrators: easy measurement and analysis of research activity and easy access to comparative information

  • for research councils: optimisation of the funding process

  • for entrepreneurs and technology transfer organisations: easy retrieval of novel ideas and technology in a knowledge-assisted environment and easy identification of competitors and previously done similar research

  • for the media and public: easy access to information, software and computer power to allow easily-assimilated presentation of research results in appropriate contexts.

The EC-recommended standard CERIF (Common European Research Information Format) is the glue that holds the information systems together, allowing for interoperability.


euroCRIS as the professional association of CRIS experts and custodian of CERIF is dedicated to improvement of research information availability. euroCRIS members together work on how best to use advanced ICT to improve research information availability and quality - using advanced database, knowledge base, process and workflow, user interface, ubiquitous computing and GRID technologies. euroCRIS works with its strategic partners to 'spread the word' about research information and its importance.


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