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Google Web Toolkit

How do I start?

  1. Download the latest version of GWT
  2. Use the Getting Started Guide to write your first app
  3. Work through the in-depth GWT Tutorial
Faster AJAX than you'd write by hand
Writing web apps today is a tedious and error-prone process. Developers can spend 90% of their time working around browser quirks. In addition, building, reusing, and maintaining large JavaScript code bases and AJAX components can be difficult and fragile. Google Web Toolkit (GWT) eases this burden by allowing developers to quickly build and maintain complex yet highly performant JavaScript front-end applications in the Java programming language.
Learn how Google Web Toolkit works, the features it offers, and how you can quickly develop performance AJAX applications across all major browsers.
Get started using Google Web Toolkit. Walk through the installation and first steps needed to get a GWT application up and running. From there, work through the fundamentals of GWT development with an in-depth GWT tutorial.
Everything you need to know about how to use Google Web Toolkit.
Google Web Toolkit is an open source project with an active community building additional libraries and tools. Join the GWT developer forum to find out what people are up to. If you're interested in building from source, or contributing ideas or modifications to the project, check out the contributors guide.