
Organizations and Affiliations

Please see my Additional Affiliations Page for a list of my older, dormant, more minor, and more advisory affiliations.

Free Software Development Projects

The vast majority of my free software works is contributions to large projects like Debian and Ubuntu. However, I have started several free software projects of my own. I currently maintain the following pieces of software (in alphabetical order):

I have also written many other pieces of software. Please see my my list of old, unmaintained, and deprecated software for applications that I have written but no longer maintain. I no longer use this software but in many cases, many other people do. I am happy to transfer responsibility for software on this page to anyone that is interested in taking it.

Art and Activism Projects


I have written and published two books to date. Both were co-authored and technical in nature. You can find them here:

Recent Publications and Essays

My Writing Projects Page contains a full list of the projects I've posted on the web.

Recent Talks

My Talks and Presentations Page contains a more complete list of my talks with descriptions of most talks.

Other Webpages

Contact Information

Visit my contact information page for information on how to reach me via the following methods: