birthday bash --> this time --> pico

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birthday bash --> this time --> pico

Postby Jensensen on Wed Sep 10, 2008 19:19

Happy birthday pico!

since you are "officially" off you are even though sporadically ON :wink: .
And, in remembrance of many useful! hints (that are available! in this forum [this guy did almost 2570 posts!], still much asked for), links, tips (not only how to self made drums!) I wish you all the best!


Would be nice to have you back as "active" user, some kind of "senior guidance".

Last edited by Jensensen on Fri Sep 12, 2008 16:53, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: birthday bash --> this time --> pico

Postby Heiko H. on Wed Sep 10, 2008 20:00

All the best from me too...
Jensensen wrote:Would be nice to have you back as "active" user, some kind of "senior guidance".

YES :idea: :idea: :idea: :!:
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Re: birthday bash --> this time --> pico

Postby claus on Wed Sep 10, 2008 21:32

Heiko H. wrote:Jensensen wrote:Would be nice to have you back as "active" user, some kind of "senior guidance".

All the best to you :D
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Re: birthday bash --> this time --> pico

Postby StudioZ on Thu Sep 11, 2008 02:24

Hey! 8) Happy Birthday to you Pico :D :D :D
Sure hope all is OK with you :wink:
Take care Typographical Unit :lol: :wink:


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Re: birthday bash --> this time --> pico

Postby Pappnase on Thu Sep 11, 2008 03:12

Hello Pico

From me also all the best :-)
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Re: birthday bash --> this time --> pico

Postby DF6IH on Thu Sep 11, 2008 05:41


erbarmen, ....zu spät.... :mrgreen: Alles Gute von der badisch hessischen Grenze nach Hessen ! Systemübergreifend :D --> playing 309 haben uns getroffen und die Freude am CMS ist wieder steil gestiegen, Bilder folgen !!
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Re: birthday bash --> this time --> pico

Postby Cipolla on Thu Sep 11, 2008 06:09

claus wrote:Heiko H.wrote:
Jensensen wrote:Would be nice to have you back as "active" user, some kind of "senior guidance".

A little bit late, but i also wish you all the best and a happy birthday. i also read many treads from Pico in the past. Very impressive.

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Re: birthday bash --> this time --> pico

Postby flip-flop on Thu Sep 11, 2008 06:39

Hallo Horst,

alles gut von mir zu deinem Geburtstag.

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Re: birthday bash --> this time --> pico

Postby pico on Thu Sep 11, 2008 07:45


ich bedanke mich für die Glückwünsche

ja - wie ihr seht, bin ich immer noch hin und wieder hier - ich hab euch nicht vergessen :D

aber durch Veränderungen in meinem Berufsleben habe ich leider gar keine Zeit mehr, mich mit programmieren auseinander zu setzen und von daher habe ich da etwas den Anschluss verpasst. Aber wer weiß - vielleicht kommen ja auch mal wieder bessere Zeiten.
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Re: birthday bash --> this time --> pico

Postby selbaer on Wed Sep 17, 2008 21:52

ein wenig verspaeted...herzliche glueckwuensche und vielen dank fuer Deine hilfe damals mit XT :D
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