We did it

Post non-phpwcms related topics here - but I don't want to see "hey check this or that other cms". Post if you have a point or worthwhile comment, don't post just to increase you post count!

We did it

Postby DF6IH on Thu Apr 03, 2008 17:19

More than 100.000 threads !
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Re: We did it

Postby claus on Thu Apr 03, 2008 18:45

---> postings :mrgreen:

PS: ...and another one...
The following (and the previous) wouldn't have happened if there had been a GURM!
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Re: We did it

Postby pepe on Thu Apr 03, 2008 19:07

Nicht schlecht... wir haben den 100.000 sten Beitrag erreicht!

Jetzt könnte man natürlich sagen:
Die User von phpwcms sind besonders blöde... aber den Eindruck habe ich nicht!

Sicher ist dagegen eine Tatsache:
Dieses Forum ist eines der effektivsten bei gleichzeitig "besten Umgangsformen".
Die Texte sind lesbar, die Kommasetzung "passabel" und alle Beiträge verständlich... ohne, daß der Humor dabei auf der Strecke bleibt! Und das ist heutzutage eine Seltenheit!
Man fühlt sich auch "wohl", wenn man die 20 bereits mehrfach überschritten hat :wink:

Und dafür allen Usern ein grosses DANKESCHÖN :P

Nahezu perfekt wäre die Community, wenn öfter mal aus einem Fragenden ein Antwortender würde...
Und daran kann jeder von uns "arbeiten"... wie wär's ??? :wink:
mfG pepe

Natürlich lese ich hier noch (bis zum 30.09.2009) regelmäßig mit. Die Version 2.0 erlebe ich bis dahin aber wohl nicht mehr :-(
phpwcms ist - nach wie vor - eins der intuitivsten CMS, welches keinen Vergleich scheuen muß! Ein Versuch lohnt sich!

phpWCMS Installation + Quick-Start + Tuning | Replacement-Tags | free-X templates (> 6.000 downloads/2 anno) | pepes SANDBOX
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Re: We did it

Postby Jensensen on Thu Apr 03, 2008 21:36

pepe wrote:Die Texte sind lesbar, die Kommasetzung "passabel" und alle Beiträge verständlich...

Hi pepe {was ich noch sagen wollte}, danke! Und [wo Du Recht hast, hast Du Recht] nicht zu vergessen die zahlreichen Birthday/Geburtstags- good will community Wünsche - ja, wo gibt es Das denn [heutzutage noch] sonst? :wink:
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Re: We did it

Postby Rainer G on Fri Apr 04, 2008 09:30

100.000 ist eine ganze Menge Holz! Gratulation! Immerhin habe ich etwas über 0,2% dazu beigetragen ;-):

Wobei knapp 1/3 an Beiträgen von nur 10 Mitgliedern stammt. Die Hälfte der Beiträge ist von ganzen 40 Personen erstellt. Und knapp über 4200 aller Mitglieder (> 5400) im Forum haben mindestens einen Eintrag gepostet. Über 10 Einträge immerhin noch 1168 Personen.

Weiter so!
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Re: We did it

Postby Jensensen on Mon Aug 25, 2008 18:26

Wow, from April 2008 up to now additionally 69.000.
In total 169.000 threads right now...

more questions than ever.... :!: :?: :idea: 8)
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Re: We did it

Postby claus on Mon Aug 25, 2008 18:38

Total posts 106307 • Total topics 16900

Number of Threads and number of Posts have been mixed up before already...
So mathematically corrected: 106307 Posts in 16900 Topics (Threads)

So there is a plus of 6307 postings since April 2008

btw: summing up the 106307 give 8 = 2 power 3 = 23 ...
and: 6307 is indeed 16 is 2 times of the above

so 23 = 5 cross total
and 2 time 23 = 10

makes 15 where cross total is 6 = 2 x 3 ... to be continued :lol: :mrgreen:
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Re: We did it

Postby Jensensen on Mon Aug 25, 2008 19:04

:oops: Oops, that's why I was wondering --> with my new glasses... :oops:

(close to screenreader)

it seems that I need a few more tests | attempts NOT to be OUT of focus{screen}...
[posts | topics | total | newest --> right?]

I'm going to recalculate [your mantra]...
Last edited by Jensensen on Mon Aug 25, 2008 20:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We did it

Postby claus on Mon Aug 25, 2008 19:26

Jensensen wrote:I'm going to recalculate [your mantra]...

In case you really like mathemantras - here is another one, completely off topc, but a nice one:
Think of an even row of numbers, crossing total the number which is missing:
1 2 3 4 6 7 = 23 = 5 (and again it's the magic number) :lol:
The following (and the previous) wouldn't have happened if there had been a GURM!
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Re: We did it

Postby DF6IH on Mon Aug 25, 2008 19:41

Ok, this is the place to put these doggis in, Jens asked for:

My absolute favorite: Image a very smooth Rotti .. *g*

But he is gone, has got a new home.

And we have 3 "Doggis " for 3 persons .. my son, 8 years has also such big animal. All streets clear up, while walking with these dogs.. 2 hours of luck for the animals and the children. All the other pics are with persons, so no chance to bring them in...
http://www.phpwcms-docu.de/download-dev-versions.phtml --> playing 312
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Re: We did it

Postby Jensensen on Mon Aug 25, 2008 19:51

don't worry.
this thread blast {as others, i didn't want but...}

i'd call it mantramathics! {What do yo think?}
claus wrote:23 = 5

¿ (how can this be?)
don't tell me 2+3 (this is allegorical, interpretable)

What makes it a
claus wrote:...magic number ...

What are "magic numbers" generally?
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Re: We did it

Postby claus on Mon Aug 25, 2008 20:08

Jensensen wrote:23 = 5

= sum of digits (cross total) = quersumme ;)
the magic moment does occur, when you start to detect, that every accidentally chosen number will sum up to some kind of number, which in turn can be split up (combined, cross totalled) until you get some 2 and/or 3 or 23 or 5
I'll give you an example: right now there are 106314 postings. sum the digits and you'll get 15. this is 6 cross total and can be split into 2 by 3 ... shall I proceed? :lol:
(and this has been just the posting amount some seconds ago.... :mrgreen:
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Re: We did it

Postby Jensensen on Mon Aug 25, 2008 20:09

DF6IH wrote:Ok, this is the place to put these doggis in...

guess it was here (ff) viewtopic.php?p=108265#p108265

DF6IH wrote:... a very smooth Rotti...

i'm afraid of rottis but DF6IH's looks really --> schnuckel

(own a malinois and owend an irish wolf [sandfarben, nich sone graue ratte-like IW are most] also)
Last edited by Jensensen on Mon Aug 25, 2008 20:51, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: We did it

Postby claus on Mon Aug 25, 2008 20:12

...and now 106316 = 17 = 8 = 2 squared 3
afterwards 106317 = 18 = 9 = 3 squared 2 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The following (and the previous) wouldn't have happened if there had been a GURM!
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