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Dublin Core Metadata Initiative - Making it easier to find information.
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative is an open organization engaged in the development of interoperable online metadata standards that support a broad range of purposes and business models. DCMI's activities include work on architecture and modeling, discussions and collaborative work in DCMI Communities and DCMI Task Groups, annual conferences and workshops, standards liaison, and educational efforts to promote widespread acceptance of metadata standards and practices. Learn more...
Graphic for the DC-2009 International Conference
DC-2009 Web site and call for papers published

2009-01-12, The National Library of Korea, the host for DC-2009, to be held 12-16 October 2009 in Seoul, Korea, has opened the conference Web site. The Call for Papers for the conference is open until 24 April 2009. Submissions are being invited for full papers, project reports and posters.

New DCMI Community: Science and Metadata

2009-02-10, Following a workshop session on Metadata for Scientific Datasets at DC-2008, a new DCMI Community has been set up under the name of the DCMI Science and Metadata Community. We welcome participation from individuals and organizations interested in all aspects of metadata relating to scientific data. To learn more about this community, or become involved, visit the Community's website.

DCMI incorporated in Singapore

2009-01-05, The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) has completed the legal steps for incorporation as a public, not-for-profit Company limited by Guarantee in Singapore. The founding members of the new legal entity are the National Library Board Singapore and the National Library of Finland. The other DCMI Affiliates, the Joint Information Systems Commission (JISC) in the UK, the National Library, National Archives and the State Services Commission of New Zealand and the National Library of Korea, will become Members in the weeks ahead. Read more...

New repository of DCMI Conference Papers with proceedings 2001-2008 conferences

2009-01-05, A completely new version of the DCMI Conference Paper repository has been installed at the National Library of Korea. The new repository includes the proceedings of all conferences from Tokyo 2001 until Berlin 2008.

DCMI Usage Board publishes criteria for review of Application Profiles

2009-01-05, The DCMI Usage Board has published a structured set of criteria for reviewing application profiles based on the DCMI Abstract Model.

Last updated: 10 February 2009 | Next update: 3 March 2009

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