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Fondacija za slobodan softver Evrope

"Slobodan softver za slobodno društvo"

[Fellowship of FSFE]

Dobrodošli na prezentaciju Fondacije za slobodan softver Evrope. FSS Evrope je osnovana 10. marta 2001. godine u cilju podrške svim aspektima slobodnog softvera u Evropi, naročito GNU projektu. Aktivno podržavamo razvoj slobodnog softvera i širenje GNU baziranih operativnih sistema kao što je GNU/Linux. Pored toga, pružamo podršku političarima, pravnicima i novinarima u cilju osiguravanja pravne, političke i društvene budućnosti slobodnog softvera.

Rad Fondacije je moguć zahvaljujući doprinosu velikog broja ljudi, pre svega kroz Družinu FSS Evrope. Jedan od načina da i vi pomognete je da postanete član i podstaknete druge da učine isto.

Najnovije vesti

Fellowship Interview with Colin Turner

Colin Turner is a dedicated Free Software activist and Fellowship member, working as a scientist and teacher at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland. He has been advocating Free Software in schools and universities for many years and generously shared some of his experiences with us in this fourth instalment of our Fellowship interview series - "the smallest unit of freedom". Pročitajte više...

FSFE launches Free PDF Readers campaign

The Fellowship of the Free Software Foundation Europe is proud to announce its latest initiative:, a site providing information about PDF with links to Free Software PDF readers for all major operating systems. Pročitajte više...

FTF releases legal infrastructure guide for Free Software projects

FSFE's Freedom Task Force (FTF) is pleased to announce the release of a guide to assist with establishing legal infrastructure for Free Software projects. Pročitajte više...

Web browser interoperability: FSFE welcomes EC's decision and offers support

Free Software Foundation Europe welcomes the European Commission's decision and offers its support in the coming anti-trust investigation. As stated previously in a letter to the European Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes, anti-competitive behaviour is unacceptable, whether it occurs as 'tying' products with dominant market segments, or in circumventing standards and fair access. Pročitajte više...

Fellowship Interview with Enrico Zini

Enrico Zini is a long time Fellow of the FSFE and a prominent Debian developer. He has been involved in many different projects relating to Free Software and is deeply concerned about social issues. Read on for the fourth in our Fellowship interview series - "the smallest unit of freedom". Pročitajte više...

Događaji koji slede

8th Linux-Infotag, Augsburg University, Germany

FSFE is present with an information and merchandise booth at the 8th Linux-Infotag Augsburg. The event takes place on 28 March 2009 from 9:30 to 17:30 in the IT faculty of the Augsburg University. Admission is free.
Reinhard Müller gives a speech called "5 most popular fallacys about Free Software (or are they lies?)". The speech is in German and targeted at everybody interested in Free Software.
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