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Free Software Foundation Europe

Fri som i fridom

Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) er ein ideell, og i enkelte land velgjerande, organisasjon som jobbar for fri programvare. FSFE meinar at fridomane til å bruka, studera, dela og forbetra programvare er avgjerande for å oppnå jamgod deltaking i informasjonsalderen. Vi arbeider for å skapa forståing og støtte for programvarefridom innan politikk, juss, og ellers i samfunnet. Vi fremjar ogso utvikling, som til dømes av operativsystemet GNU/Linux, som gjer desse fridomane til alle deltakarar i det digitale samfunnet.

Arbeidet til FSFE blir gjort mogelg takka vere mange einskilde tilskot, særleg til FSFEs Brorlag. Éin måte å stø vårt arbeid på er å bli medlem no, samt å oppmode andre til å gjera det same.

Siste nytt

FSFE launches Free PDF Readers campaign

The Fellowship of the Free Software Foundation Europe is proud to announce its latest initiative:, a site providing information about PDF with links to Free Software PDF readers for all major operating systems. Les meir

FTF releases legal infrastructure guide for Free Software projects

FSFE's Freedom Task Force (FTF) is pleased to announce the release of a guide to assist with establishing legal infrastructure for Free Software projects. Les meir

Web browser interoperability: FSFE welcomes EC's decision and offers support

Free Software Foundation Europe welcomes the European Commission's decision and offers its support in the coming anti-trust investigation. As stated previously in a letter to the European Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes, anti-competitive behaviour is unacceptable, whether it occurs as 'tying' products with dominant market segments, or in circumventing standards and fair access. Les meir

Brorskapsintervju med Enrico Zini

Enrico Zini har vori med i FSFEs Brorskap lenge og er ein prominent Debian-utvikler. Han har vori med i mange ulike fri programvare-prosjekter, og er svært oppteken av sosiale spørsmål. Dette er det fjerde intervjuet i vår serie med intervjuer frå Brorskapet – «den minste eninga av fridom». Les meir

Results of the translation sprint


FSFE's new year translation sprint ended yesterday with a respectable result: the numerous volunteers created 49 new translations and updated 137 documents within 28 days.

FSFE's core team expresses its appreciation towards all the volunteers who contributed. You have helped a great deal by making information about Free Software and FSFE's activities available in local European languages.

Kva skjer?

FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium


FSFE attends FOSDEM, a European Free Software developer conference organized by volunteers wich takes place from 7th - 8th of February in Brussels (Belgium).

The event promotes the widespread use of Free Software, to provide Free Software developers and communities a place to meet, to get in touch with other projects, and to promote the development and the benefits of Free Software solutions.

The FSFE will attend the event with a booth where visitors will be informed about recent activities (especially of FTF), Free Software itself and the Fellowship of the FSFE. As usual, the FSFE's merchandising articles will be sold as well.

Fellowship Meeting in Berlin, Germany

The local Fellowship Group will meet on 12 February, 19:30 at NewThinkingStore, Tucholskystraße 48. Jürgen Neumann from Freifunk-Berlin and Fabienne Serriere will give a talk about "Open Hardware" in English. Main questions are what Open Hardware is and why we need it. Afterwards there will be room for questions and a discussion. People interested in this topic and other guest are as always welcome to join us.
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